16. Hellenic Republic

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ómorfi gi

ómorfi gi

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I watched closely and carefully at my friends. Nikki and Ali in particular. The two were known to blow up in situations. Ace and Armani also seemed shocked and confused, speechless as well.

Hayden had a stoic expression on. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He was also watching them carefully, looking for their next move.

Suddenly, as if on que, the four of them moved at once. All directed at Hayden, Nikki, Ace, Armani, and Ali all charged at Him. With angry and anxious looks, Athena and Ares held out their hand, making them freeze and unable to move.

I could see Arden shift uncomfortably, and so did Hayden. I had the urge to too. Athena and Ares both had the same expression on their face. "Now, Now," Athena said sternly. "Everyone just calm down."

Nikki, Armani, Ace and Ali were all frozen in their positions, and their gazes wondered from Athena back to Hayden, switching between them too.

I have to say, I was shocked. I didn't know they were going to respond like this, Although I should've expected. Yeah, they were angry and let's be honest, no one took the news well when we found out Hayden was staying with us at the Training Center.

Yes, their anger and aggression would show towards him but- right now? In front of the gods?

"She's right." Ares spoke. He looked at all them with a hard glance. "You all need to settle down. Give us a chance to explain."

"I know you all are confused and angry." Athena continued seriously. "I'm going to release you all, and when I do, I need you to listen carefully. Understand?"

Without a response, Athena and Ares let them go. Hayden shifted uncomfortably at the looks and stares he was getting from them.

"Now, before we make any assumptions, Let me say that Hayden has made a tremendous amount of progress. I'm not saying you all need to become the best of friends, but, I need everyone to get along."

"How's that gonna happen?" Nikki asked.

"I know it'll take time but, you guys are going to be working together, you need to trust one another." Ares explained seriously.

"Trust?" Ace scoffed. I know he was really bothered, it took a lot for him to question authority. And not to mention the fact that Hayden put him through hell. "There's no way..."

"Alright everyone." Athena spoke. "We didn't want you guys to be overwhelmed so, we thought we'd bring him in before your trip."


This is where I became lost. We all looked around at each other confused. "Trip?" Zane asked.

Hayden also looked confused as he looked at Athena. A smile appeared on her face and Ali was the next one to ask. "Why exactly is he back, if I may ask."

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