28. Double Date?

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"Yeah," Nikki piped up behind me. "Plus, if you bring your friends, it's not a date."   


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"You guys are absolutely psychotic." I groaned as I dragged my feet towards the coffee shop.

Nikki and Armani were ranting behind me- well, mostly Nikki and there was Armani trying to debate against all her conspiracies.

"I don't think so." Nikki said loudly. "Why the hell would he just ask you on a date? That shit doesn't make sense!"

I groaned loudly and dramatically throwing my head back. "It's not a date! He just wanted someone to get coffee with him."

"She's right, Arden, the whole thing does seem a little sketchy-"


"However," Armani continued. "It's probably just some friends getting coffee together."

"Friends. My. Fucking. Ass." I sighed. Nikki was so loud, she was so loud and crazy. I have a loud and crazy friend that literally has no filter. "So first he's all gang-ho for Armani and now he's asking Arden on dates- what the hell is happening to the universe?!"

"Hey!" Armani exclaimed, throwing her hands up. "We are not going to talk about it, okay! Nikki, would you pipe down-"

"Don't tell me to pipe down-"

They began screaming at each other back and forth. Like they usually do. As we came closer and closer to the shop, It seemed like their volume was increasing. I turned around and cleared my throat.

"Guys, why are you always arguing- can't you just-"

"Shut up, Arden!" They yelled in unison. My jaw dropped.

Well, then.

I stomped my foot and turned back around with a slight pout on my face. "Look what you did Nikki, now she's upset."

"Me, that was you!"

I opened the door to the coffee shop and we all entered, Armani and Nikki still bantering behind me- yet a little quieter.

I immediately spotted Hayden leaning on a table at the far side of the shop. His eyes were already on us and I wanted to laugh at his face.

He was wearing his usual dark a gloomy colors but in a way, he made it work. I walked over to him, Nikki and Armani, not really paying attention, but following me anyway.

He shoved his hands in his pockets as he approached and his eyes were trained on the three of us. "Hi." I gave a smile, mostly because I wanted to laugh at the insults I was hearing being thrown behind me.

"Yeah, hey." Hayden nodded, still looking at Nikki and Armani. He locked gazes with me. Deep dark eyes that were still a little unsettling. "You didn't tell me you were bringing them." He raised an eyebrow.

I lifted a shoulder and the arguing stopped. "Well, they insisted."

"Yeah," Nikki piped up behind me. "Plus, if you bring your friends, it's not a date."

Hayden narrowed his eyes at her. "Of course. And when's the last time you went on a date, Nikki? Was it your so called date with Becca Cane in the seventh grade?"

"I have a boyfriend, you idiot." She shot back.

Hayden smirked. "Right, your boyfriend just looks like a girl."

"Are you still upset that my fist broke your ugly ass nose?" She asked in a sad sarcastic voice. Her green eyes blazed the way it did when she was feeling a little on edge. Hayden frowned and silently dismissed her.

Here I was, on the inside, wanting laugh my ass off.

Hayden looked at Armani and acknowledged her. "Hey."

She folded her arms and avoided gaze."Hi." Armani was like a little three year old. It was cute.

"Sooo," I stepped back and gestured to the barista on his phone behind the counter. "Why don't we all just order something, sit down and have a drink?"

"Why not?" Hayden sighed.

Twenty Minutes Later

"We're definitely going to the Acropolis of Athens. I've been there many times and it's actually really breathtaking." I stated.

"I can't wait. Do you think we're going to actually come across any other disparates or beings?" Armani asked, sipping her coffee.

I shrugged. "Maybe. If we do, it'll benefit our learning experience."

"While, we're there, maybe we can find the actual entrance to Mount Olympus, and see the palaces. I bet they're beautiful." Hayden mumbled.

"You know we're not allowed to go there." Nikki piped up.

"Yeah," I agreed raising an eyebrow at him. "That'll just get the gods angry and we're supposed to be on our best behavior on this trip."

Hayden leaned forward and shrugged. "Understood...but-"

Nikki groaned. "Oh god, he's still talking-"

"-I know we all just want a taste of what lies ahead in our future. Don't you ever wonder what really lies up there, the feeling and aura of an all powerful being."

Hayden was talking nonsense. Seriously, what did they put in his drink? But, I agree with him sometimes. There are times where we all can feel ourselves changing, we can see it too. However, there are also times when you just want the process to move a little faster. You want to get a feeling of what is really to come. All this despite, being anxious and nervous for our future.

"See, guys, we're all calm now." I stated. "Coffee really does help people remain sane."

Nikki pursed her lips. I immediately expected a snarky comment. "I guess you're right, Arden. I actually feel kind of close to the deranged bat."

Hayden cut his eyes at her and I snickered.

Armani was the next one to speak. "Hayden, can I ask you a question." We all looked at Armani, including Hayden and she was staring intently, almost like she was lost in her own thoughts.

"Yeah, go ahead."

"What is it that you can't live without?"

I looked at Nikki, then Hayden, then back to Mani. I wasn't expecting that question. I don't think was Nikki was either because she had a similar expression as myself.

I looked back at hayden and we all waited for his answer. After what felt like forever, he answered quietly. "I'll get back to you on that."

"That's funny. I thought he was going to say his pride."

"Nikki." I groaned.

"What?" She asked incredulously. I'm sure Hayden was about to remark but we all looked when we spotted two people walking into the coffee shop.

Shitflakes. Are you kidding?

Zane and Johanna- how could I expect anyone different? 


That was a very interesting 'date'. So you agree with Nikki, do you think Hayden is trying to pull one on Arden? I know a lot of you want to see them together and believe me, you haven't been overseen.

Next chapter, Zane witnesses where it all started...

They'll be on their way to Greece soon, where it gets crazier. Until next time, munchkins,


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