59. Reminiscing the Rigorous

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Kill painful memories by the creating better ones...

Kill painful memories by the creating better ones

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My eyes blinked open and I winced when they felt heavy. I felt a sharp pain in my head, and I could feel myself laying down. "Hey, Hey, get up."

My head was pounding and I needed nothing more than it to stop.

"He's not waking up." I heard a female's voice. Soft, gentle

"Hey, why don't you bring him back the same way you did Armani." I heard another voice and soon, I felt two fingers press on my forehead. The pain in my head intensified and I wanted to squirm- then the pain turned into a burning shock that jolted me upright and blasted my eyes open.

I quickly take in my surroundings and remain calm when I see it's just Camilla, Ace, and Armani. I furrowed my eyebrows at the setting we were in. What the fuck?

Ace offered me hand and I let him help me up. "Where are we?" I asked. The four of us stood in the middle of some abandoned house. It was torn down and feeble. The walls were tattered, windows broken and missing. What's supposed to be the front door is an empty hole in the wall leading out to a undermined veranda. The paint was old and peeling, and I looked at the stairs curiously that led upstairs.

Oh, shit.

I realized what this place was and I immediately wanted it all to go away. The anxious feeling coursing through my body grew and I shook my head.

"We don't know where we are, but you're okay, right?" I nodded, still freaking out a little inside.

"I don't understand," Armani shook her head. It looked like she returned to her fretful stage. She looked confused and crazed and...


"Who was that guy...and why was he after you guys like that? Why'd he do all of that- and- and- this! How the hell did we even get here?! Did he do this?"

"They already told me about my outburst." Ace told me, running a hand through his hair. I bit the inside of my cheek, seeming to look at those stupid dirty stairs every three seconds. "Johanna?" I nodded.

"Yeah, then Zakari showed up and now we're here." Camilla grumbled as she walked around. "Where the hell are we anyway!" She shouted.

"Johanna?" Armani asked incredulously. "You mean Hera's daughter- how does she even..." Ace began to talk her through the whole situation and how we've been experiencing optics and all from Johanna.

Camilla walked up to me and eyes me carefully. Her black hair was tied in a ponytail and her green calculating eyes weren't making me feel any better. "You know where we are?" She asked me lowly.

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