89. Night Fall and the Crack of Dawn

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Out of the ashes, I'm burning like a fire, You can save your apologies you're nothing but a liar, I've got shame, I've got scars, That I will never show, I'm a survivor, in more ways than you know. -Demi Lovato

 -Demi Lovato

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I internally smiled broadly like a twelve-year-old little gymnast who just landed their first summersault. Camilla then turned to Genesis with an antsy look. "Genesis, you have to do the spell."

Genesis nodded in response then set her gaze on Ace and Armani. They gave each other knowing looks. Armani gave a tiny grin as an arrow appeared in her hand. It was long, black, and her eyes shifted a light purple. Armani looked at Ace next to her and they locked fingers. Ace's eyes shifted as well. I watched as they both began mumbling. Their eyes closed as they chanted a hushed spell.

The arrow in Armani's hand began glowing red. The arrow lifted into the air and all heads lifted to the sky, watching it silently.

Once Ace and Armani ceased their mutters and opened their eyes, Genesis who was next to me stepped forward. She warned everyone to stand back before her eyes shifted as well. They glowed a matchless color of yellow, red, and orange. The colors blazed in her eyes bright and circled her pupils differently.

My lips parted when Genesis sprouted large wings. They were grand, red mixed with auburn feathers. They stretched wide. Genesis completes her transformation into the large and legendary Phoenix as her wings take her into the sky.

Ace and Armani still had their eyes shifted, open and lifted towards the sky. It was only then my eyes went to the hill to see the sun slowly making its way into the atmosphere.

Genesis took the floating arrow in her talons- which she now had- and she flew diagonally into the sky. The large red bird flew higher and higher into the sky, towards the sun.

"It's working." I heard Hayden mumble. My eyes followed his line of vision and I caught sight of the fissures now appearing on the grounds of the temple. The cracks began to spread across the floor and the sound of the marble breaking ran loud in all of our ears.

I slowly looked to Johanna on the floor, who was watching everything with wary, panicked, and heedful eyes. Her body was curled into itself as it shuddered lightly.

The fissures in the ground opened up, parting the floor in half. It slowly opened and revealed a red glowing light in the ground. Johanna's jaw dropped as she looked to the ground in horror.

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