39. She Moves Like Magic

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A little magic can take you a long way...

A little magic can take you a long way

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"How do you know we're disparates?" I asked. This girl...Camilla- she said her name was, she knows we're disparates for some reason and I have no idea in hell where she came from.

She heard our very tense and harsh conversation after the visions coming from who knows where. I felt bad, my friends watching me do that to them, watching me hurt them. I felt awful and if I could undo it all, I would.

The same smirk stayed glued on her face. "Don't worry, i'm one too- obviously." Camilla shrugged. She sighed. "But, I meant what I said about you guys, you all seem really interesting. A bunch of American disparates, it's a first for me."

"So," Hayden dragged. "What exactly are you? And why are you so into our issues that have nothing to do with you?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I've been in this temple all day and when you guys came, I assumed you were tourists, but I had a feeling otherwise. Anyway, I was observing all the people and their actions when I noticed you three," She gestured to Nikki, Perri, and Arden. "-Staring at this particular column like there was something wrong with it. From my view, it still looks like a plain old column. Then, I couldn't help but notice each and every single one of you got this crazy dazed look on your faces. Weird really-"

"Get to the point."

"Well, in the blink of eye, everyone vanished from this very temple, and when I say everyone, I mean everyone. Except for me...and of course you guys." I squinted my eyes at her. Everyone vanished...except for her. My apprehensions about her grew. "Anyway, you'd think i'd be a little spooked or maybe freaked out to why everyone just disappeared, but, I heard your conversation and I used my aisthíseis to help figure out exactly who you guys were."

Arden lifted her hand. "I don't get it." She stated plainly. Her authority was showing; as we all suspected something weird about this girl, you could see the defense in Arden's presence. "What 'senses' did you use?"

"Well, my mother's Circe."

Circe. The goddess of magic and sorcery. Alright...wow.

"The goddess Circe, is your mother?" I heard Armani asked. Camilla nodded. She folded her arms.

"Now, I would like to know exactly who you guys are."


Camilla wore an impassive look on her face. I studied her as her green eyes studied the rest of us. I never underestimate someone's abilities but, physically she didn't look intimidating. Her eyes however, they most definitely were. She reminded me of Nikki, very headstrong and she seemed fearless. There was a ghost of a smile on her face.

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