71. Odium

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I know my trigger now, and you're one of them, you share your opinions but I'm sick of them, yeah. You don't make me angry, you make me furious, what do I have to do to shut you up? -Us The Duo

 You don't make me angry, you make me furious, what do I have to do to shut you up? -Us The Duo

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P.s, Odium means widespread hatred or disgust for someone based on their actions. I read the chapter title and was like WTF.



"What do you mean it was Johanna?" Hayden asked darkly. His eyes were narrowed, his voice low- like he didn't want me to respond. You could see, the flicker of shock, denial, and hurt in his eyes. I hated it. He stared at me intensely and he wasn't moving. I'd say he was holding his breath.

I felt awful. Hayden went through everything he did because of the girl he loved, and now, he found out it wasn't her.

"What do you mean it wasn't Nova?" Zane shook his head, looking between the both of us. I took a deep breath and continued, explaining it to Hayden. "Earlier, Harper explained that Johanna somehow convinced the son of Hades to retrieve the Kai- I put the pieces together and figured that she somehow manipulated you. Maybe she posed as Nova and you only thought that the both of you would reunite, only when Johanna was using you to end the disparates in Green Brook."

Hayden remained quiet and he continued to look at me- although I knew his mind was somewhere else. "Does someone want to explain what's going on?" Nikki asked as she shrugged her shoulders.

I hesitated before opening my mouth again. "The reason Hayden did what he did back In Green Brook is not what you guys think. He thought he would have a second chance with Nova after she passed." I stated, tapping my finger. "He only wanted a second chance at his first love."

"Hmm, interesting." Polly hummed in the corner. I set my gaze back to Hayden and saw he still wore the same impassive expression. I could only imagine what was going through his mind.

"Wait..." Zane closed his eyes briefly before turning to me. I could see frustration and anger in his eyes. I understand he was irritated, but where was he going with this? "You knew?" He asked.

I could only look at Zane and nod my head. "You knew, you fucking knew and you didn't tell anyone shit-"

"Zane, it wasn't my decision to make. Alright, he trusted me-"

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