26. Taking It Back

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Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future -Paul Lewis Boese

Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future -Paul Lewis Boese

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Arden shrugged. "Just trying to blow off some steam." She mumbled. She looked away from us, after holding out her hand again and retrieving her sword from the archway.

I felt a pang of hurt knowing that she couldn't even bare to look at us- at me. That vision the other day made us all kind of wonky. I could see that it was affecting Arden more than anyone.

Why wouldn't it?

"You okay?" Hayden asked. There was concern and caution in his voice. I fought the urge to look at him.

Arden still had her back towards us and she ignored Hayden's question. "What are you doing here?" She asked swinging her sword around in her hand.

Arden had her navy tights on with a sports cami. The sneakers on her feet were also blue and her brown hair was pinned back in a ponytail. She was sweating and judging by her breathing and the dummy on the floor, she was hard at work.

"Uh," I cleared my throat and placed my hands in my pocket. "We were actually gonna use the room for a battle- but-"

"That's fine." She stated. She grabbed her bag and began walking. Hayden and I locked gazes and he widened his eyes to communicate. He gestured towards her. 'Talk to her.'

I glared at him and gestured to Arden. 'Why me?'

Hayden pointed and then slid his finger across his neck dramatically. I rolled my eyes. He's a little bitch, that's what he is.

"You guys are idiots." I heard her mumble. Idiots? What-

Hayden and I locked gazes again and I moved to stand in front of her. I held my hand out and Arden stepped back and narrowed her eyes at me as I stood in her way.

She grabbed her bag tightly over her shoulder and I was relieved and thankful that she didn't reach for her weapon. "Arden," I started and she stared up at me with those big brown eyes. They screamed everything.

"Why are we idiots?" Hayden randomly asked from behind me.

Arden shook her head and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

"We just wanted to talk to you about the other day. The vision...in Amazon."

Arden held my gaze and knowing her, I knew she wanted to look away. Something shifted in her eyes like she was thinking about it too much. She looked worried, almost...anxious. I wanted to hold her and tell everything was going to be okay.

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