74. You're Not Who You Say You Are

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"You're not a disparate."


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Charon? "He's the ferryman that transfers souls?" I asked, staring at the hooded mysterious figure in front of us.

Hayden nodded beside me. "Yes, he is," Hayden answered. "Long time no see, Charon." Hayden moved closer to the boat floating in the water.

Charon removed his dark hoodie and it fell off his head. He revealed his face and I observed him closely. Wow.

Charon had brown skin and deep dark eyes. His facial structure was one of a god himself. He had a sharp jaw line and I couldn't make out his physique because of the black cloak he had wrapped around him.

"Your Highness," Charon started in his deep voice. He sounded almost like Idris Elba. But, wait....did he just say-

"Your Highness?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What are you doing here? Last time I heard, you were on a trip."

"You're right," Hayden pursed his lips. "I am on a trip but I used the direct entry in Athens."

"Greece, you say?" Charon asked and Hayden nodded.

I don't understand. Was Hayden some kind of prince or something?

"Yes. And I wouldn't be down here if it wasn't important." Hayden explained. "Plus, you have to be nice to me." He added while raising an eyebrow.

"The king won't know if I throw his son into the waters of hell and allow him to perish."

Hayden let out a humorless laugh. "Nice, nice," He mumbled. "That's funny. Keep joking around and I'll have your ass." I saw a slight smile on Charon's face. It almost looked like he wanted to laugh.

"What can I do for you, your highness?"

"We need to get to the archives, please and thank you." Hayden turned towards me, who was still staring strangely. "By the way, this is Arden. She's Athena's daughter and she's rolling with me."

"Ah, the future queen of Olympus; how wonderful." I couldn't tell if Charon was being sarcastic or not. "I think there are one too many Deikos in the Underworld, though."

Hayden clicked his tongue. "Wow, you're just really going for it today, aren't you." Hayden smiled and Charon did also- Slightly. "But, no. Arden's a disparate."

I looked at Hayden puzzled. One too many Deikos? What does that mean? "And you're not?" I asked Hayden slowly.

Hayden looked down at me. He looked like he was going to answer, but he didn't. His reaction made me even more curious. "Uh, yeah." He answered. Yeah?

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