Business leads to Brother (Chapter 1)

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I studied the television closely. That was my brother. My big brother. I watched his every move. He just smiled and jumped around. I swear that boy can jump higher than a kangaroo. Not that I would know, I have never seen one. I hope to some day they look so cool.  

I could hear my father on a phone call yet again. It was probably a business one. He was organised. My brother definitely followed in Dad's footsteps personality wise. I think it is about two in the morning. The only reason I am awake is because I am watching the replays on the closing ceremony for the Olympics. My brother performed with his band on it. Zayn, Niall, Louis,Harry and Liam were just amazing. I am so proud of them, they made it to the top of the charts and continued.  

"Christiana" Dad called from downstairs. I got up off my bed and ran to him. I stood there in my pyjamas. He frowned that I was actually awake. "I am sorry to do this pumpkin but I need to go away for a couple of months and I need you to go and stay with your brother"  

"Which one?"  

"Which one? Christiana you know which one! I am not going to send you to Australia!" he sounded annoyed.  

"Damn" I mumbled under my breath.  

"Pack your bags by the morning, Liam is going to have you picked up in the morning. He is in London with the band. I need to leave bang on 7 so I will need you to lock up." he sounded rushed.  

I nodded like the obedient daughter I am and rushed upstairs to pack, if I get out the house before 7 I won't need to lock up. Good idea.  

I packed my stuff up from my room excluding toiletries and clothing for the morning. I set my alarm for 6:00 and fell asleep within minutes as I was tired.  

Maybe I should tell you something about myself. Ok well, where do I start? My name is Christiana Jessica Payne. I live in Wolverhampton. I am 18. My younger older brother is 19. He is known worldwide and I have had many people scream in my face about him. His name is Liam Payne. I have another brother who is 21. His name is Rae Payne. He lives in Australia. I so badly want to go there and visit him, mostly because I want to see a kangaroo but I do miss him. I live with my Dad. He works a lot. He is lovely though.

Beep beep beep 'and the time is now 6 am and it is officially 3 degrees' my radio rang through my room. I groaned knowing it was way to early to get up. I hate the mornings I can never think straight. I pulled myself out of my bed with all the strength I could possibly have a 6 in the morning. I hit the off button of my radio and set my iPod on playing my favourite Rob Thomas song. I jumped in the shower packing up my things as I used them. Once I was out and dressed, I applied some make-up. I put on some eyeliner that highlighted my big brown eyes that we quite similar to both my older brothers. I them threw my long, curly, brown hair into a bun. I packed up the left contents of my bathroom and bedroom that I would need to take with me. 6:45, I was ready. I dragged my bag down the stairs with my handbag slung over my shoulder. 

"Bye Dad!" I yelled.  

"Are you leaving?" he asked.  

"Yep. Love you. bye" I called before walking out the door slamming it behind me.  

I walked down the street to the park. I left my bag next to the swings whilst I went and sat on one. I swung back and forth slowly with my feet dragging along the tanbark that was underneath the swings.  

7:00. Dad will be leaving now. My phone beeped and I opened up the text message I had just received.  

From Leeyum-  

'The car will be at the house in five minutes. Be ready.'  

I got off the swing and grabbed my bag before trudging back to the front of the house. Just as I got there a yellow taxi pulled up.  

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