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Yuri woke up feeling refreshed after a long and nice sleep after she went to bed thankful for the amazing day she had. A brand new day was now in place however, Yuri still felt the events of the previous day were just part of a really good dream, still little by little she kept convincing herself that all of it was real and today surely would prove it once and for all.

The shy book lover has always paid attention to her appearance, not because she expected someone to compliment her for it or anything of the sort at this point, she just liked to be nice and clean, just as neat as her writing, it was merely something personal. That morning however, she put special effort to this, more than she already did everyday, she brushed her long purple hair with extreme care, making it look as tidy as she could, not single hair out of place, she got dressed in her perfectly ironed uniform and sprayed some lavender perfume around her neck and chest. Aside from the make up she'd use sometimes to cover the bags under her eyes that she'd sometimes get from lack of sleep after spending the night finishing one of her books which she unfortunately had got to the best part at that point, or... spending a good portion of the night with one of her knives that'd help her calm down after crying on her bed trying to fall asleep after one of those common rough days... Anyway, she had some make-up for the occasion, she didn't have those bags today though, but still she decided a light layer of rubor on her cheeks, perhaps somebody would notice that today, she never really use that much make-up after all, who knows, she just wanted to look a little extra good today for some reason. Smiling to herself satisfied with the result she left her house and made her way to school again humming to herself thinking of what today would bring.

Surprisingly for her, the day went pretty quiet, the group of girls that would make her day hard to bear for many had been reduced to 3 people, as the girl who felt the wrath of her little pink friend had apparently missed school that day, however neither of the 3 said or did anything to her for the rest of the day aside from some clearly deathly glares at her from time to time, she even noticed an evil smirk on the leader of the bullies when she caught her glaring at her, it went in a flash but it was surely there, Yuri still didn't let it bother her too much and just ignored it, despite the bad feeling she felt about it.

Yuri was getting more and more excited as the time for literature club approached, she wanted to get there as soon as she could, she wanted to prepare everything for her reading session with Natsuki, she wanted to ask her what she thought of the opening scene of the Dark Half after they'd surely finish reading it today, she wanted to know if she was enjoying the book, if they could do something new today, Yuri would like to go the bookstore with her one of these days, maybe she could find the courage to ask her eventually. So many questions, so little time before some of them could be answered.

As soon as the final bell rang, Yuri how had packed her stuff 5 minutes before the bell rang, quickly grabbed her backpack and left the classroom, heading to the literature club.

To nobody's surprise she was the first one to arrive once again, she put down her stuff next to her usual seat, and went to the back of the classroom to her tea set, she prepared two cups for her and her friend to enjoy while they read, leaving one on her desk and the other on the desk next to her where Natsuki had sat the previous day.

She sat down again and took her book out of her backpack leaving it on her desk now just waiting for her pink haired friend to arrive. The tall bookworm didn't wait much longer as a familiar figure wearing two short twintails of pink hair adorned with red ribbons crossed the door.

The two girls crossed eyes as they waved hi at each other, however to Yuri's disappointment, the shorter girl went straight to the back of the classroom presumably to the closet were she had her stuff for the club. Yuri immediately felt that familiar bitterness on her chest as thoughts crossed her mind like cars on a main avenue.

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