
637 29 18

Natsuki waited for her girlfriend to come pick her up for lunch trying to hold back her strong desires of confronting the girl she was sure was behind the recent events.

The tsundere talk to her lover about the recent discovery which also led Yuri to believe there was only one person who could be behind this. They both agreed to wait until the literature so they could confront the girl without many people getting in the way.

Later that day, Yuri went to her girlfriends classroom to wait for her to go to their club. When they arrived the black haired girl was already there reading her Edgar Allan Poe's book in the middle of the row nearest to the door as usual. Natsuki did not waste another second.

Erika noticed the couple entering and waved her hand at them with a smile on her face that quickly disappeared when Natsuki almost ran to her seat and slapped the book off her hand. "Did you think I wouldn't know you were the one doing this crap after today?!", Natsuki shouted at the girl as Yuri got behind her looking at the twintailed girl with anger in her eyes. "W-What are you talking about?!", Erika replied surprised but nervous at the same time. "Don't you fucking play dumb with me! You know very well what I'm talking about!", Natsuki shouted again. "I-I seriously don't! If you care to explain-", Erika continued but surprisingly was cut off by the taller girl behind Natsuki. "I really believed you were better than this, Erika. I guess I was wrong all along", Yuri said coldly. "W-What?", Erika replied confused also noticing how Yuri's words particularly hurt her. "Are you still sore you couldn't steal Yuri from me, you loser bitch?!", Natsuki yelled getting closer to the twintailed girl. "I-I... No! I thought we had left that behind! What are you even talking about? What did I do?!", Erika replied intimidated. "Please stop pretending, you have lied enough in your life. What you did today was really pathetic", Yuri said coldly. "Yeah! You were pathetic enough pretending you were of a higher society status with your dumb friends, then trying to steal others girlfriends and now you're being complete scum revealing others personal secrets! Do you even think that would do anything good for you or are you just that much of a sore loser?", Natsuki shouted in Erika's face. "What? I... I really don't know what are you talking about!", Erika couldn't find a way to defend herself as those reminders of her past hurt her as well. "I'm fucking tired of you playing dumb!", Natsuki yelled and then slapped Erika's face as hard as she could. The black haired let out a faint scream and moved her hand to her aching cheek as she felt tears starting to form on her eyes. Erika then got up from her seat and tried to stand up to the shorter girl's aggression but was suddenly shoved by the taller girl behind her which shocked her greatly. "Don't you dare laying a hand on her", Yuri said menacingly. Natsuki then raised her fist.

At that moment Monika and Sayori entered the clubroom complete astonished by the scene. Monika quickly ran and got between the three girls trying to separate them. Sayori froze while she watched completely scared. "Stop! What is going on here?!" Monika shouted. "This bitch has been trying to screw me but today really crossed the line!", Natsuki said defensively. "I really don't know what are they talking about! They are accusing me of something and then they hit me!", Erika said defensively as well with tears now rolling down her light brown eyes. "Stop playing innocent Erika! You know what you did!", Yuri said coldly. "I don't know!", Erika replied crying.

Sayori finally reacted and ran to the black haired girls side hugging her. "Whatever she did at least explain yourselves!", Monika said trying to control the situation. Sayori hold the crying girl protectively looking at her two friends in disbelief. This seemed to do the trick as Natsuki and Yuri finally calmed down a little. "Fine! We'll tell you how much of a scumbag she really is", Natsuki replied angry crossing her arms over her chest.

Monika then made everyone sit down in nearby desk, sitting between the four girls to avoid any further physical aggressions. Natsuki and Yuri then explained the whole situation about the hateful messages appearing on Natsuki's desk and locker, followed by the private secret reveal earlier that day which led them to believe Erika was the only possible culprit due to her and Yuri being the only ones in school aware of it. They also explained the previous issues with Erika having a crush on Yuri and trying to steal her from Natsuki. With the whole situation clearer Monika finally spoke. Erika also claimed everything was in the past and the three of them had settled their differences and were supposedly on good terms. "Okay, I think I understand now why you're accusing her, but have you actually seen her doing this stuff?", Monika asked. "No, she probably does it after school when we leave, we have asked my classmates and they told me no one suspicious has come in the morning so the only possible time for her is after school when everyone left for good", Natsuki explained. "I'm afraid that's not possible either", Sayori spoke to everyone's surprise. "What do you mean?", Yuri asked concerned. "Erika has been walking home with us everyday after club, so she couldn't have possibly do it after school as you claim", Monika explained. "W-What? But she could come back later whe-", Natsuki said being abruptly cut off by Monika. "School closes at 5, we leave Erika around 4:45 near her house so it's impossible she could come here in 15 minutes and vandalize your desk and locker", Monika said. "We also walk together to school sometimes in the morning", Sayori pointed out. "We live close to each other", Sayori continued blushing lightly. "B-But..." Natsuki tried to speak. "If messages have been appearing every single day like you say, she couldn't have done it in the morning either since Sayori would notice then", Monika explained. "We walked together today as well", Erika finally spoke. "Yeah, so she couldn't possibly have written that secret you said she wrote today in the blackboard", Sayori backed up her friend. "Ugh... I know! You told someone else and they are doing your dirty work!", Natsuki shouted her idea. "I swear on my parents lives I didn't", Erika said wiping the remaining tears off her face, Sayori hugged her again. Yuri then remembered Erika's story she once told her, she knew the twintailed girl did love her parents and those words were not to be taken lightly. "Natsuki, I-I believe she is telling the truth", the purple haired girl said placing a hand on her girlfriends shoulder. Natsuki turned her head to face her and met her violet eyes which made her realize Yuri was speaking sincerely. "T-Then...", Natsuki said now feeling like shit same as her lover now that they realized what they had done. "You two owe Erika an apology", Monika said. Yuri stood up and bowed her head to the black haired girl. "I-I am so sorry! Please forgive us!", the taller girl said firmly. Natsuki popped up behind her girlfriend scratching the back of her neck looking at the ground in shame. "I'm also sorry", the shorter girl said shyly. "It's fine, I now guess I was the most obvious person to do that, I really don't blame you but next time at least explain yourselves first, okay?", Erika said with a faint smile. "Sorry!", Natsuki and Yuri replied with tears now in their eyes and hugged their friend, followed by Sayori and Monika for a big group hug.

The literature club regained its peace once again and seeing an hour has almost passed Monika proposed the remaining few minutes would be used to discuss ideas about Natsuki's situation.

Everyone promised to help in any way they could but with Erika now out of the suspects picture, the mystery continued unsolved.

As the week progressed Natsuki's hate messages became less frequent and by Friday had stopped, at least at the moment, as if whoever was doing it had seen their plan failed.

A/N: Monikas thoughts or speech directed to the readers will now appear like this: Underlined.

Hello? It's me Monika again!

Umm I'm talking to you again because well... I'm starting to feel worried.

Remember I said better things should be coming for the literature club? Well it was supposed to be like that! This shouldn't be happening!

You see, becoming sentient not only allowed me to realize my reality was one of many, but it also gave me some kind of... Ability? You see when I meet someone I'm like able to see the bigger picture behind them, like I know their most important secrets or facts about them just by knowing them a little.

Like you remember the original me knew about Natsuki's home life, Yuri's cutting and Sayori's depression, she used that to her advantage and tainted their... Files or coding I don't know, to make them worse and less appealing to you? Which eventually got her reality messed up. She had that ability to change reality but it ended up in the worst possible scenario.

Messing with reality can be dangerous, that's something we all know. In this world I'm no longer able to change reality like she did. But knowing what you're not supposed to know can also be as dangerous.

Look I may be overthinking this but let's hope this doesn't happen again. Things seem to have calmed down as of today.

I chose not to interfere in my friends problems because I'm scared I could mess things up.

Anyways let's hope things now get better shall we? The festival is coming next week!

The literature club reunited again and Monika spoke. "Alright everyone! Come over here, I have an announcement to make!", the white ribbon girl said as her fellow club members gathered around her. "The festival is going to be next week as you know and with Erika as our latest club member we now are an official club and we must participate! So we're going to work in pairs this weekend. I know which pair is gonna be working together despite anything I could say so Natsuki and Yuri you two please make some banners and cupcakes", Monika said looking at her two lovey-dovey clubmates. "Okay!", Natsuki and Yuri replied at the same time smiling at each other. "Well that leaves two tasks left one being easy enough for one person, which is making pamphlets, the other a little more complex requires two people and that would be making some themed decorations, you know books, shelves and stuff, I will leave that to the creativity of whichever pair gets that one. So what's it gonna be guys? Me and Sayori? Erika and Sayori or me and Erika?", Monika asked now looking at the two other girls. "Umm I-I'm fine with anything really", Erika replied shyly. "Me too", Sayori added cheerfully. "Okay! So it'll be Sayori and Erika!", Monika clapped her hands satisfied.

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