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After spending another nice Christmas with her parents, Sayori's mood seemed to be in the happy side at the moment.

Later during that week, she received a particular text from Erika, who now chatted with her very frequently.

Nevermore: So, I was thinking about coming over to your house some time, we can you now, we could draw, watch movies and stuff, I'm really bored at home!
Cinnamon roll: You can come whenever you want! (^o^)
Nevermore: really??
Cinnamon roll: yeah! If I'm gonna keep procrastinating all day I prefer to do it with someone else \(^o^)/ you should've asked sooner
Cinnamon roll: 🤔 maybe I should've asked now that I think about it
Nevermore: awesome! Can I come over tomorrow then?
Cinnamon roll: Yas!

And so, the next day Erika left her house very early, eager to go see her little ball of sunshine.

Sayori received her friend with a big hug and invited her to come inside, leading her to the living room where Sayori had been playing some video games. "Here, play with me!", Sayori handed one of her ps4 controllers to Erika. "Be gentle please, I don't play too much videogames", Erika said. "Relax, it's just Minecraft, we're playing cooperative basically, here I'll help you with some tools and armor", Sayori said cheerfully.

As Sayori gave her twintailed friend a quick tutorial of how to play Minecraft, Erika caught up pretty quick.

"Don't kill the cows!!", Sayori whined after Erika tried to kill a cow as she needed to recover some health. "Sorry!!", Erika said jumping back on her seat as Sayori practically yelled at her. "tH€y are precious, let's just go steal some bread from the villagers follow me", Sayori said now smiling sweetly again which as usual now, made Erika's heart skip a beat.

After a couple of hours of Minecraft, Sayori's stomach cried for food finally. Erika suggested to get a pizza and bought it herself. Around 30 minutes later, the door bell rang a the pizza delivery guy handed the pizza to an excited Sayori that practically slammed the door shut on his face as she ran back to the living room hungrier than an child eater cosmic being.

Erika had set a movie for them to watch meanwhile they enjoyed their food. Sayori ate 6 of the 8 slices of pizza without problem which made Erika both amused and giggle at the same time.

"What do we do now?", Sayori asked as the credits rolled marking the end of the movie. "Hmmm wanna keep practicing your drawing?", Erika suggested, due to her teaching Sayori how to draw in the last few weeks at school. "Okay!", Sayori exclaimed and then started cleaning up the coffee table.

Sayori wasn't a natural but wasn't bad either, she was now trying to draw a girl grabbing a bottle filled with stars but found herself with some trouble. "Eriiiiii!", Sayori whined. "What's up?", Erika left what she was drawing and got closer to see what bothered Sayori. "I can't draw hands!", Sayori whined again. "Well, it really is difficult so you need to keep practicing, here let me show you",, Erika unconsciously grabbed Sayori's hand and guided her to draw the hand she wanted, slowly and carefully, making sure the red bow girl got at least a grasp of how she did it. Needless to say Erika noticed how warm and soft Sayori's hand felt, which made her blush and sent chills down her spine, in a good sense. Sayori smiled happy and then hugged her friend thanking her for the help. Of course the twintailed girls heart began beating like crazy.

After their little drawing session, both girls returned to play some more Minecraft and some movies afterwards until the day was finally coming to an end. "it's getting late, I should go home now", Erika said as their last movie finished. "Aww, already?", Sayori said pouting. "Yeah, sorry", Erika said rubbing her cheek. "Hey, why don't you stay over the night?", Sayori said smiling expectantly as the idea came to her. "You mean like a sleepover?", Erika asked. "No, not like a sleepover, an actual sleepover silly!", Sayori said bouncing. "Is it okay though? What about your parents?", Erika asked trying to hide her excitement. "They should be coming back from work at any moment but I doubt they'd have any problem with that, they never had", Sayori said with a cheerful smile. "Alright, let me just text my parents to let them know", Erika said and with that, their next plans were settled.

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