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The shining Sunday sun rose and Yuri felt no less worried. She texted her girlfriend good morning as always and waited for her to reply.

The day went really quiet in the shy bookworms home. The house that in the recent weeks has been full of life and love had gone back to its lonely mood of recent years. Until some point in the afternoon Yuri had managed to kill some time doing some cleaning and homework, but as she found herself with nothing else to do she tried to continue reading 'dreamcatcher'. However little did it help since she wasn't able to focus as worry striked once again. She kept waiting for that message that hadn't come since the early part of the day.

Natsuki opened her eyes at sound of knocking on her door that felt as if a heavy machine gun tried to bring it down. "I'm coming papa!", Natsuki quickly replied as soon as she regain her senses. "Get your ass up and start cleaning the bathroom like I told you!you have 1 minute before I kick this door down and drag you out myself!", the angry man behind the door shouted. "Yes papa!", Natsuki replied. She then felt a throbbing pain in her abdomen as she tried to get up. The short girl rolled up her t-shirt and saw a purple like bruise right where she felt her father's shoe the previous night. "Great", Natsuki thought. The pink haired girl then got up and brushed her hair in a rush then proceeding to do as her father told her.

Natsuki spent the rest of her Sunday practically restoring her apartment, the only good thing about this was that time moved faster as she kept herself occupied. At least until the earliest times of the evening where she heard her stomach grumbled telling her she has took to long to please it. "Guess I was starting to get you used to proper meals at proper times huh buddy? Well we've been through this before, bear with me for now", she thought to herself and continued removing the thick layers if dust from the shelves.

Evening was coming to an end and Yuri was now re-reading her previous texts she had exchanged with her lover for the past weeks. That brought a couple of smiles to her face at least while she tried to bear with the worry of her girlfriend still not replying. Another message popped up all of sudden, obviously coming from a different chat since she was on her favorite one already. Yuri opened it.

Nevermore: Yo Yuri! This book's great!
Markov's demoiselle: I am glad you are enjoying it.
Nevermore: you bet I am
Nevermore: watcha doing?
Markov's demoiselle: not much, just trying to keep my mind occupied while I wait for something.
Nevermore: I can help you with that 🤗
Markov's demoiselle: well, I guess that would be nice, thank you.
Nevermore: So the first thing you should do when you wait for anything it's not think about it, that'll make things easier. Sooo let's talk about stuff.
Markov's demoiselle: Alright.
Nevermore: What's your favorite kind of music?
Markov's demoiselle: I guess classical, some stuff of the 80's is also good.
Nevermore: cool! Have you listened to the Symphony #9 in E Minor? You know "From the new world" and stuff.
Markov's demoiselle: yes, it is excellent.
Nevermore: ikr! I'm not that much into classical but man that thing is great
Markov's demoiselle: Indeed it is.
Nevermore: Favorite movie?
Markov's demoiselle: Jacob's ladder.
Nevermore: haven't seen that one, gotta give it try if you like it hehe
Markov's demoiselle: it is really good, you should.
Nevermore: If you say so I'm sure it's true ☺️

Despite not being really into the conversation, Yuri at least managed to kill a fair amount of time chatting with the newest club member. Erika had been showing interest in anything about her so she mostly made the questions and Yuri simply answered, which made things easy for someone bad at maintening conversations like her.

Later that night Natsuki's father finally allowed her to go back to her room so she could do her homework. The shorter girl locked her door and immediately grabbed her phone.

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