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The final week of school came and with that, winter break started.

Yuri received on the very last day of school, a text from her parents that said the following:

Yuri, I am afraid your mother and I cannot return home in time for Christmas. I am deeply sorry but we will send you some extra money so you can buy yourself something nice as a present and again, please forgive us.

The shy girl read it like it was nothing, as this wasn't the first time this happened, however that didn't mean it didn't make her sad in the inside, after all, nobody enjoys spending Christmas alone, or at least not her, but she tried to not let it bother her.

A few days later, Christmas Eve came and in the early morning of that Saturday she woke up with the usual pretty sight next to her.

Yuri remembered for some reason what day it was and it kind of made her feel down. The purple haired girl wrapped her arms around her lover and buried her face in the crook of her neck looking for some comfort.

Natsuki's eyes opened when she felt some of Yuri's hair tickling her neck and then she noticed her girlfriend clinged to her, presumably awake already. "Morning purple apologiser", Natsuki said returning the embrace and planting a soft kiss on top of her girlfriend's head. "Good morning darling", Yuri said trying to hide the sadness in her voice. "Are you okay? You sound weird?", Natsuki asked running her fingers caressing Yuri's hair. "Yes, I am just still a little sleepy", Yuri replied. "Hmm okay, then try to sleep a little bit more", Natsuki said feeling a little worried, and with that Yuri tried to do as her girlfriend said, hoping that would help to forget about what made her feel down that morning.

Later that day, Natsuki was cooking breakfast as usual, wearing a pink apron Yuri got her last month. The taller girl meanwhile, was setting the table and then decided to speak. "S-So, what are your plans for today, love?", Yuri asked. "I told you, my dad said we'll have some Christmas dinner with my uncle and my grandma who are coming over", Natsuki said turning her head a little to glance at Yuri. "A-Ah, yes, part of his therapy, right?", Yuri said, remembering what Natsuki told her some days ago. "Yep, he has to rebuilt his relationships with all of those he pushed away because of his drinking problem, starting with the most important people, this was a very good and convenient occasion as well", Natsuki explained. "I see", Yuri said trying to sound nice. "And this is the first time in years we actually are gonna spend Christmas as a family too", Natsuki added smiling. "I am happy for you", Yuri said smiling back. "Your parents are coming back today, right? Maybe I should come and introduce myself properly...", Natsuki muttered that last part. "Yes, they should be home anytime soon", Yuri said of course knowing she was lying, like she did a few days ago when Natsuki asked her about it, after all she didn't want to spoil her first family reunion in years just because of her selfishness, she thought.

Around noon, Natsuki was about to leave, as she had to be home and help her father to get everything ready for that night when her family shows up. At the front door, after a nice goodbye kiss Yuri held Natsuki by the wrist just when she was about to walk away. "What's up? You forgot something?", Natsuki tilted her head in her lovers direction. "My parents are not coming back today", Yuri said unable to look her girlfriend in the eye. Natsuki made a concerned expression that quickly change to a smiley face as an idea crept to her mind. "Let's go back inside then", Natsuki said dragging her girlfriend back inside the house. "W-W-Wait! I do not want you to miss your family reunion because of me", Yuri said as Natsuki dragged her. "I ain't missing anything, you're coming with me, let's go get anything you need before we go, come on", Natsuki said smiling sweetly at her girlfriend as they stopped in the living room. "B-But what will your family think...", Yuri said looking to the ground worried. "Well, we already have my dad's blessing, so that's not a problem! And for what I remember about my grandma, she was a very sweet person, I'm sure she'll love you! My uncle, well I don't really know him that much but he'll have to accept you anyway", Natsuki said flashing a toothy smile at her lover. "Y-You really think so?", Yuri asked shyly. "Of course! Now come on purple worrier, let's get your stuff ready!", Natsuki said squeezing Yuri's hand reassuringly while the taller girl smiled warmly at her lover.

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