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Natsuki locked her phone after seeing Yuri would not reply anymore as she was on her way to meet her. After around 10 minutes a tall figure could be seen getting closer in the distance, our pink manga reader simply  started to walk in her direction to make things quicker. Finally Natsuki made a peace sign to Yuri to say hi to which the taller one responded with a soft smile. "H-Hi, Natsuki, sorry to keep you waiting", the purple one said. "No prob, so lead the way apologizing one, it's a little cold out here", the short girl said impatiently. "S-Sure, umm this way", Yuri replied as they began to walk.

Natsuki hoped her friend would not ask too much about why she asked her to let her come over to her house. This hopes were left at that however as the shy girl started to talk as the walked. "Umm s-so why did you want, o-or rather need to come over?", Yuri asked nervously. Natsuki thought about what her father told her just minutes ago.

"Listen here, I'm having a guest tonight, none of your concern so leave the house right now, I don't want you here for a few hours at least", the skinny and pink haired man said as he took another sip from his beer can. "B-But papa, w-where should I go at this hour?", the pink tsundere asked nervously. "Why should I know?! You gotta have friends or someone you can be a burden to surely!", the angry man said in annoyance slammed her hand against the table which made Natsuki shrink in fear. "Just go away already!", he said slamming her fist against the table one more time as the girl quickly headed to the door of the apartment. She was leaving the building when she saw a woman around her 30s wearing a ridiculously short red dress, which under a large opened coat that covered her until her knees making her way to the building. Immediately, Natsuki understood the situation. "He must've been paid today, so I guess he's gonna waste his money on those "women" again. Whatever at least he's distracting himself from giving me a hard time today".

Of course, the girl with the pink hair couldn't tell Yuri about this whole situation, so she chose to said a partial truth hoping it would be convincing enough. "My dad has an important guest he needs to talk to, so he needed some privacy", she said nervously. "H-How important is this person f-for him to not want you there?", Yuri asked with a concerned expression. "Ve-Very! Well, not that he doesn't want me there, it's just that they need to talk about adult stuff", Natsuki replied nervously. "Y-You are not a child t-though...", the taller girl replied. "Just drop it already! If you don't want me to bother you I can just go ask anyone else!", Natsuki replied with her defensive attitude taking over her. "N-No, I-I did not mean that! I-I am sorry, p-please I-I was just...", the purple haired one replied stammering while she hide her face behind her hair almost on the brink of tears. Natsuki instantly regretted what she just said when she saw her friends pained expression which made her heart shrink. "N-No, Yuri, look I'm sorry okay? I overreacted there...", Natsuki said as she took Yuri's hand between their own without thinking, trying to reassure her friend. Yuri immediately felt that warmth she had come to love so much inside her chest but at the same time could feel the heat rushing the her face with the intensity of a thousand suns. Natsuki quickly realized what she was doing and immediately let go of the tall girl's hand and crossed her arms around her chest. "A-Anyway, just move your purple butt already, I'm freezing out here, I forgot my jacket as you can see", she said looking away with cheeks as red as roses. "A-Ah yes, I am sorry, l-let us continue", Yuri replied as she kept walking and it was then that she noticed Natsuki was not in her uniform, she was wearing a white t-shirts with the picture of a gray fat cat that read "nya" in rainbow like letters and a pair of pink shorts that covered barely half of her bare thighs. This of course made Yuri's face feel as hot as a sword that's just been forged by Hephaestus himself.

After a few minutes of walking, both girls arrived and entered Yuri's house. Natsuki immediately felt the difference compared to her apartment. The house smelled nice, like lavender fragrance she thought, the place was warm and cozy, everything was so clean and strategically placed. "Wow, nice house you have purple lady", she said still looking around at the house. "T-Thank you", Yuri said shyly. "So where are your parents, I guess I should thank them for having me over", Natsuki asked curiously as she took off her shoes and made her way to the couch on the living room. "They are not here today", Yuri replied. "Oh, work I guess?", Natsuki asked. "Y-Yes, they go on business trips a lot really", Yuri replied calmly as she sat on the couch a few inches away enough from her friend. "I guess that sucks, so you're here all by yourself mostly? Don't you have siblings or something like that?", the short one asked. "No-No, it is just me here almost everyday of the year really, I guess I am used to", Yuri replied with a slightly sad expression. "Well on the bright side, you can party hard without worries here!", the pink one said jokingly hoping that would make her friend do that giggle she loved so much to hear. "W-Well it is not l-like I-I have anyone to p-party with though", Yuri said with that sad expression still on her face which made Natsuki's heart shrink. "W-Well I'm here today so let's get this party started! Where do you have the wine?", the short girl replied tried to sound enthusiastic. Yuri finally giggled softly making Natsuki's heart skip a beat. "I can not believe you still remember that", Yuri said smiling. "And who could forget the time Mrs. Serious came to the club and offered us to try some wine!", The pink haired girl replied cheerfully. "L-Leave me alone! I just wanted to socialize!", Yuri laughed more happily now which made Natsuki feel all fuzzy inside. "Oh man I love to hear her laugh it's a heavenly sound... Look at you getting all cheesy. I thought your work here was done, fuck off. Ok.", Natsuki and Yuri laughed together for a few more seconds until Yuri finally spoke now more relaxed and smiley. "S-So, what do you want to do?", She asked looking at her friend with cheeks slightly red. "Ehhh, don't know, what do you usually do here?", Natsuki replied. "Well I-I usually just read my books or write stuff really", Yuri replied nervously. "Should've guessed", the pink haired one said with a sigh. Yuri giggled, "w-well, I have videogames and a Tv and some movies...", Yuri replied excited. "I guess some games will do, I don't have a console but I play some on my phone, what do you have?", She asked curiously. "umm le-let me see", Yuri stood up and grabbed some games from the shelf as she turned on the console and TV, then returning to Natsuki and handing her the game cases. "I have no idea what are these", she said looking at the small cases scanning them to see what they were. "Me neither", Yuri replied giggling softly. "This one looks like a fighting game, Soul Cay? Calibur? Whatever let's play this I'm gonna kick your sorry butt anyways", the short girl replied confidently. Yuri smiled and put the disc on the console.

After a couple of hours that seemed like minutes, of pressing buttons not having the slightest idea of what to di and a few good laughs both girls finally quit the game and rested on the couch satisfied. "That was fun, I showed you who's boss like I said", Natsuki said smirking. "You d-did not even know what you w-were doing! Y-You were just saying 'How did I did that?' and such", Yuri giggled at the recent memory. "I still won, deal with it", the short girl said folding her arms with confidence. "A-Alright, you won, yes. So-So I was thinking, there is t-this movie I wanted to w-watch and m-maybe we-we could...", The purple haired girl said running her fingers across a strand of long purple hair. Natsuki looked at the time and realized her father was probably done with his business, so sadly she had to go back home. "I-I would like too but I gotta go home now, I really had fun though, not that I had the most fun in my life or anything!", Natsuki said blushing and looking off to the side. "O-Oh, well y-you are right, it is quite l-late, I-I am sorry", Yuri replied with disappointment in her voice and face. Natsuki saw her like this and hated it, she disliked seeing Yuri with such a pained expression, she loved to see her smile and excited so she made a decision. "We-Well I guess I can stay over the night here, my dad said he needed me out at least a few hours, he didn't say how many hours though... That is if you're okay with having me here of course!", the feisty girl said blushing lightly. Yuri's face immediately lightened up and smiled again, which made Natsuki's storm of butterflied inside her stomach to flutter like crazy. "Ye-Yes, I would l-love that!", Yuri said excited. "You're lucky I'm kind enough to keep you some company today you tall dummy!", Natsuki replied with blush on her cheeks and a confident yet nervous smirk. "Ye-Yes, I am...", Yuri replied in a quiet voice Natsuki barely heard but it was enough to make her heart beat as fast as the flash. "So what movie are we watching?", Natsuki asked in anticipation. "Ah, it is a horror movie", Yuri replied with a happy smile. Natsuki had one single thought in her mind when she heard this. "Shit".

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