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A/N: This chapter is going to be Omiko's secret background.
I get some of you may just be here for the dokis, so with that said, you're free to skip this if you want brothers, although this does affects the story directly but anyway.

Since she was young, there was something Omiko Imai always admired, aside from space.


Their facial features, their sometimes long, sometimes short, but always beautiful hair, their angel like voices, their smooth skin, their perfect figure, their sensitivity for things... The list could go on and on.

Everything about a woman was something Omiko couldn't help but feel a strange feeling of admiration, or at least that's how it felt at first.

She always preferred spending time with her girl friends. Not that she hated boys, but they weren't... Her thing.

Puberty came and Omiko's admiration towards women grew and turned into something else.

When she started middle school, she continuously found herself staring at some girls in her class.

Seeing other girls as they got changed for gymnastics class sent some kind of tingly feeling down her stomach.

Whenever any of her girl friends hugged her, grabbed her by the wrist to drag her somewhere, even if their shoulders touched when they were sitting or standing in the same place, any kind of physical contact in general, would always made her body's temperature rise.

But Omiko knew, or rather, believed that wasn't normal.

The Imai family, they owned a couple of small and medium business that left them enough money to live without worry. They could sent their children overseas to Harvard if they wanted to and money still wouldn't be a problem.

The Imai family always believed it was thanks to God their lives were so fortunate. They were always a very religious family, for generations and tended to marry other families from the same religion. And of course they would raise their children over the same beliefs.

For the Imai family's religion, the relationship between a man and a woman was something sacred and that would have to be respected always as it was God's will according to their beliefs.

Love between two people of the same gender shouldn't exist. According to their God, it was an abomination and something that would go against his will and the perfect world he created. Something it will surely earn you your place in the realm of eternal suffering.

Aside from their beliefs, the Imais were nice people and loved their children like any good family would. As long as they respected God's will too.

When she was around 9 years old, Omiko's older brother, Horio Imai showed up at home one day bringing another guy along. Omiko's parents welcomed him and treated him very politely, until Horio among their lively chat during dinner, spoke, requesting everyone's attention.

"Dad, mom, Omiko, I want to tell you something", Horio said with a smile. "What is it son? You're picking my curiosity", his father said grinning. "I want to properly introduce this man to you", Horio said looking at the guy he had brought that day. "Your friend? He already introduced himself to us, right dear?", his father said and his mother nodded. "He's not only my friend, he's my partner", Horio said placing a hand on the guy's shoulder. "Your partner?", his father said. "Yes, he's my boyfriend and I would like you to welcome him to the family", Horio said expectantly.

Suddenly dead silence filled the room, Omiko saw her parents expression had changed to a very scary and gloomy one. They weren't smiling any more. "Omiko, go to your room", her father said coldly and the mint haired girl obeyed.

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