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Natsuki had arrived at the park where she and Yuri had stopped to read "the outsider", the book her friend was so excited about. They sat under a big tree whose leafs had started to fall due to the season.

They were next to each other reading until Natsuki fell asleep and apparently made herself too comfortable laying on her friends shoulder while she was asleep as well.  

Natsuki recalled these events and remembered the warmth of her friends body she could feel for a few seconds before realizing what she was doing and quickly releasing herself from her. Natsuki smiled softly at the recent memory. And now here she was again waiting for her friend to arrive as she started to grow anxious and began to think.

"Yuri... I still find it hard to believe you had been doing that to yourself... You don't deserve any of that, you never have. I wonder if you will come though, maybe I got the wrong idea and weirded you out with what I said and did. I hope not. I need you". The pink haired girl sat down under that tree and waited for her.

Yuri was walking to where Natsuki told her she would be waiting for her. The shy bookworm was not sure what was the purpose of that since her self doubts always got the best of her, but she wanted to believe it was what she had wanted for a while even before realizing it.

The shorter girl had done what she thought no other person would do if it wasn't for a very powerful reason behind it. And most importantly, she didn't abandoned her. She seemed to accept her despite her awful faults.

Yuri's chest was once again filled with that warmth she loved so much, she could also feel something like butterflies inside her stomach the more she was getting closer to the place. However her anxiety still kicked in as well and got her thinking.

"Natsuki... Do you really accept my faults? Do you really still want to be around me? Do you not hate me for being such a freak? ...You did say you liked to be around me and that you would be there for me always. That made the happiest I've ever been. I shouldn't doubt you. You're the one I love, I just realized it earlier. I want to be yours, I want to be the one you call your one. I don't want to imagine my life without you. I'm scared of losing you. Are you really waiting for me? You haven't regret yourself have you? Please, don't let it be the case. I promise I will do everything in my power to be worthy of your love."
Yuri was scared but she looked forward to arrive at the park as she began to quicken the pace.

After a few minutes that felt like hours, the purple haired girl could finally see the tree where she and Natsuki sat down and shared yet another moment of joy for her. She recalled how the shorter girl fell asleep on her arm and how adorable she looked, which made Yuri smile on the inside.

As she kept approaching she could see the familiar figure of a short and pretty girl with pink hair sat down under that tree, she was still wearing those pink shorts and white t-shirt from the previous night when she met her. Yuri could feel her heart race and her mind going crazy with every step she took.

Natsuki saw the tall and graceful girl with purple hair walking toward where she was in the distance, she felt her heart beat so fast it could almost jump off her chest. The pink tsundere slowly got up and shook off some dirt off her shorts until the taller girl finally was standing in front of her.

Both girls were blushing madly. Yuri was looking at the ground as she was too nervous to face her friend. Natsuki was slightly looking off to the side until she finally got her eyes on the taller girl and began to speak.

"H-Hi goddess of the apology, umm do you feel better now?", the shorter girl said trying to break the tension between the two. Yuri simply nodded still unable to look the pink one's face.

"There's something I need to tell you as I said earlier. You see ever since I met you for the first time when I joined the club the first thing that came to my mind was 'wow she's so beautiful...' of course I immediately felt weird for thinking that and shook the thought aside. But the more I looked at you the more I felt something growing inside me". Natsuki said.

"Just looking how graceful you're when you do anything, how pretty you always look, how kind you are and even how shy and stuttering you are it's something I just kept finding lovely. But I was scared of those thoughts for some reason. I wanted to be around you, I wanted to know more about you, I wanted to be your friend. But every time I tried to approach you I ended up doing the exact opposite. I was afraid of those feelings and didn't know how to deal with them so I kept pushing you aside with my attitude but it was nothing but a lame excuse to be near you even if it was just to argue", Natsuki paused.

"So last week when you left because you didn't want to deal with me anymore I followed you and I saw those jerks harassing you. It broke my heart and I felt so guilty for being part of what made your life so awful with my stupid attitude. So I decided I'd be more honest with myself and get closer to you because that's what I always wanted.", Natsuki paused for a second and took Yuri's hand between their own while the other was now simply staring and listening to what she said, the pink haired girl felt a storm of butterflies in her stomach at this sight but then continued.

"I wanted to be your friend and I wanted to make your life better because you are amazing and don't deserve any of the bad things that ever happened to you. And in the last couple of days having you around has been the most fun I've ever had in my life. Not only that, it also made me finally accept and admit what I always denied to myself. And that is, well, this is much harder to say than I thought it would... Yuri, I love you".

Yuri's eyes opened in surprise after hearing those words. She could feel a storm of emotions inside her. She suddenly felt she could fight Zeus himself now and she would defeat him for sure. She felt happiness, joy, relief, excitement, and a flow of many other emotions that made her feel like she was on top of the world.

Tears of happiness began to roll down her face as she hold on tight to Natsuki's hands as if her life depended on it. Yuri finally gathered the courage to look the pink tsundere in the eye as she spoke.

"T-Thank you, Natsuki, t-thank you so much... You have made me the happiest I have ever been, you make my life brighter, you make me feel like I can accomplish anything, you make want to be a better person, you have showed me to new emotions, new feelings, you have seen who I am and still stack around and I believe you accepted my faults. I cannot and I do not want to imagine my life without you, so please be by my side, I promise I will do everything to be worthy of your love. Natsuki, I love you too.", Yuri finally said smiling warmly at the girl in front of her who was absorbed on the beauty of the girls words.

Finally the shorter girl giggled softly and spoke, "you didn't stutter there, I guess you really are passionate about me". Yuri's face got as red as the burning sun but yet responded with a giggle herself.

"I love you, you big purple dummy!", the pink haired girl said as she got on her tip toes and pressed her lips against the purple haired girls. Yuri was taken by surprise but she immediately kissed back as she could feel a indescriptible happiness inside her chest.

Seconds that fortunately for the girls felt like hours passed and they finally pulled apart from their kiss, simply smiling and staring at each other.

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