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The feeling of the ending summer and autumn beginning breeze was just as one would expect, a warm and yet fresh sensation that caressed the pink and purple couple's faces as they kept the car window open and hugged each other, almost there.

"Alright ladies, we're here. I'll be around doing stuff but if ya need anything or are ready to go, just text me and I'll be here in a jiffy", Gozo, the president of the wrestling club, who thanks to Natsuki's request, gladly agreed to give them a ride in his car. "Thanks Goz, we'll get going then!", Natsuki said with a smile as both waved a hand at the shaved head guy and started walking away.

On that Sunday evening, the feeling of the warm sand against the girls feet as they walked around the now almost empty beach, holding each others hand.

"It really looks like summer is over", Yuri said as she looked around the calmed beach. "Yeah, this place was probably stacked with people a few weeks ago when summer break was still on", Natsuki said. "It is still on for me", Yuri said giggling. "We'll you're just lucky your college starts classes until October", Natsuki said nudging her elbow against Yuri's sides playfully.

"Do you remember when you first came to the club?", Yuri asked as she looked down at the sand that was left with their footprints with every step they took. "Yeah, Sayori was all over me asking me what did I like to read and even bragged about your tea", Natsuki replied smiling. "She did?", Yuri giggled. "Yep, and you were just back there hiding your face behind your thick book, though I noticed you were looking every now and then", Natsuki said giggling.

"W-Well, to be honest, I was a little bit captivated by how cute you were, but what I really saw was a chance maybe for me to make a friend since you know, Monika and Sayori were always talking to each other while I was Always just in the back reading on my own, I thought that maybe I could have in you what they had if I tried for a change", Yuri spoke while she looked at calm waves the sea presented.

"Is that so? Well I just thought that you were gorgeous at first glance", Natsuki said smiling and looking away embarrassed. "I am so glad you did", Yuri squeezed her girlfriend's hand. "Things didn't go as we expected at first though", Natsuki said. "Yes, but in the end everything went better than I could have ever asked for", Yuri smiled happy as she now glanced at the sky that started turning a mix of yellow and red, as the sun was about to set.

"Things sure changed a lot these past year, didn't they?",  Natsuki said as she continued looking around. "We faced many situations and helped each other through them, finding the best versions of our lives in the process", Yuri said. "Yeah, we changed a lot, I'm more honest with my feelings and you have broken out of your shell, showing the world what an amazing person you can be", Natsuki said as she rubbed the back of Yuri's hand with her thumb.

"I do not think my heart will ever get used to the feeling of you complimenting me like that, every time it just feels so soothing and yet so joyful", Yuri said smiling happy at the warm feeling inside her chest. "Cheesy as ever huh?", Natsuki giggled leaning her head on her girlfriends shoulder briefly.

As the beautiful sunset captivated their attention, the pink and purple couple finally stopped walking and sat down on the sand, right where the water came back and forth, touching their feet gently.

Natsuki leaned her head on Yuri's shoulder and Yuri leaned hers on Natsuki's head, as both held each other's hand, intertwining their fingers.

"September 13th is a date that will always remain engraved on my heart as it marks the moment my life changed forever and I finally knew what happiness truly was", Yuri said closing her eyes as she simply listened to the sound of the sea and the gentle breeze ran across her skin, all together with the person she loved the most.

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