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Since Yuri had promised her pink haired friend to read together now both of the books she was reading, she had to find other ways to distract herself at home. With her parents always away and she being their only child, it got really lonely in that house. Despite having at her disposal all the comforts available to entertain any normal person, like TV, a videogame console, a computer, and such, she barely used those things. She always preferred spend her time at home with her books and writing stuff as well. Among other things.

Yuri tried to watch some TV but it didn't take long before she got bored of it. She didn't feel like playing videogames either. In the end she ended up laying on the couch scrolling through her phone.

She had thanked Natsuki for the wonderful day she gave her and after a few texts of just messing around, she ended up going through social media. Yuri never liked using social media too much, or was it that she had failed to catch the appeal everyone seemed to find in using them everyday. She had a few accounts for mainly communication purposes. Facebook was a way to be in touch with some of her relatives. She also joined some groups and communities about the books she read and literature in general. Twitter was a similar case. One thing that she just couldn't understand was "selfies". While going through Facebook and Twitter trying to kill some time and distract herself from the urge of keep reading her newest and long awaited book, she kept seeing pictures that people took of themselves with her phone. Some took group selfies with a few or a bunch of friends or family all smiling or doing silly faces. Others just took pictures of themselves alone in what it seemed their bathrooms, others in famous spots of their town, others simply in their rooms or during school. Yuri just didn't understand why people would take pictures of themselves that often, and specially why posting them everywhere on social media. Were they narcissists? Were they expecting someone's approval? Whatever the reason, she never felt like taking a picture of herself. She had been convinced she was not a pretty sight to watch. And she had never been invited to join a group selfie or any of that matter. She would sometimes notice Sayori and Monika taking selfies together in the club room. They never invited her or Natsuki to join a group selfie. Was it because they didn't want to interrupt her reading or because they didn't want her to ruin their photo? She never wanted to think about it. The fact remained that she didn't understand the appeal to take pictures of yourself so often and posting them like you are some kind of celebrity. However some people were fairly attractive and she guessed others enjoyed looking at their photos at least.

With this last thought in the back of her mind she wondered if Natsuki was on social media as well. Well she must be, everyone are nowadays, she thought. However, does she post photos of herself? Possessed by curiosity, Yuri typed the pink tsunderes name and pressed the search button on Facebook. Fortunately for her, it immediately displayed a list of people with similar names but on top of them, a picture of a familiar pink haired girl appeared next to the name she had typed. Apparently they both had Sayori and Monika as friends in common, no surprise. Yuri opened her profile which now unfortunately for her appeared as private and only allowed her friends to see her posts and photos. She could however at least see her profile and cover pictures. The cover was a large picture of four anime girls dressed in colorful and girly outfits with the words "parfait girl" on the center. Her profile picture was a picture of herself apparently self taken judging by the angle of the camera, short story, a selfie. Natsuki was smiling adorably, showing off her canine and was making a peace sign. "God she's so cute without even trying... Goddammit Yuri stop it". Yuri was tempted to save that picture on her phone but decided not to since it was too weird even for her.

As much as she was curious about what other adorable pictures of herself she had there, she couldn't bring herself to send her a friend invite, she thought texting her without her permission at first, even if at the end turned out well, was too much already and that this would only make her look like an absolute weirdo. "As much as I want to see what kind of things she posts... and her pictures specially... Jesuschrist Yuri! No, I just can't send her a friend invite, she would realise I was stalking her and would probably hate me and think I'm a real freak now... And I don't want that, I want to talk to her everyday, I want to keep reading books with her, I want to keep walking home together, I want to keep seeing her smile at me, I want her to keep looking at me, I want to be closer to her, I want to... Nononononono! Okay, I just want to keep being friends, nothing wrong with that. Anyways, I'll hold back for now, if I don't mess this up maybe she will add me as a friend someday, I mean we're friends in real life after all... Although, since she actually took a selfie, maybe she can explain to me what's so great about it or why does people do it so much, I'm honestly curious about that. I'll ask her tomorrow in the club..."
With that last thought Yuri decided she would go to sleep early, she had killed some time already and didn't have anything better to do anyway. She had to use that first though. She was looking forward to see her friend again.

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