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After saying goodbye to MC, Ryona and Sayori walked home, hand in hand, with both just smiling and enjoying each other's company.

"Ry, my mom told me earlier she needed me to help her with something today, is it okay if we do something quick today, I promise I'll make it up to you!", Sayori said clapping her hands together in a prayer like motion. "Alright, alright, what do you wanna do then?",Ryona said, messing Sayori's hair playfully. "Eat! Let's go to your uncle's ramen stand", Sayori said bouncing again. "A'ight, let's go", the tough girl said with a smile.

Later that day, Ryona left Sayori at her house and with a quick kiss that Sayori stole from her, the delinquent looking girl left smiling like a fool.

"Greetings and salutations Aono-san!", a boy with a school cap said, breaking Ryona out of her thoughts as she walked daydreaming about Sayori. "T-Togashi?! What do you want?! Are you ready to fight me finally?!", Ryona said quickly snapping out of it. "Woah there! Relax! I'm just passing by, geez", Gensai said putting his hands up like he was under arrest. "Tch, coward", Ryona said trying to continue her way home.

"Hey, how's Sayori been doing?", the funny mustache boy said as he followed the tough girl. "Why do you ask? It's none of your concern", Ryona said trying to ignore the guy. "Well, I've seen she's been having a hard time at school so I figured I could at least ask", Gensai said. "Have you done anything to help her?", Ryona asked serious. "Well... No?", Gensai said feeling ashamed. "Then thanks for nothing, so much for the "manly life style" you always claim to live, heck even Sayori's friend MC is manlier than you", Ryona said sighing annoyed. Gensai felt offended but also curious.

"Well, you made me feel like shit, who's this MC though?", the school cap boy asked. "Aren't you asking too many questions today? If you wanna be useful then help my Sayori because I fucking can't!", Ryona finally exploded as one single tear of frustration rolled down her cheek. "Man, I'm sorry...", Gensai said worried. "Do you wanna talk?", Gensai asked concerned. "I guess I could use some venting", Ryona said wiping off the teat of her face.

"She's struggling a lot, all this crap at school is just a big step backwards", Ryona said sighing. "Backwards on what?", the short ponytail guy asked concerned. "She doesn't tell me, I know she doesn't want to worry me but I've been to her room a couple of times since then and I've noticed things, she's tried to hide them but I still have seen some", Ryona said with a sad expression. "What things?", The delinquent looking boy asked. "Her pillow, there are areas where it's noticeable she's been crying constantly. I also found an empty bottle of sleeping pills under her bed one time. And to make matters worse, one time I saw she was gonna type something with "what" on her phone and the first thing google showed was "what happens if I die" as something she had looked up before", the dark blue haired girl clenched her fists frustrated. "Depression then... Dude that's tough", Gensai said crossing his arms thinking. "What can I do? It's something I ask myself constantly, I try to keep her happy, give her a good time when we're together but it doesn't seem to work... I've been wondering if maybe I'm not what she needs", Ryona said as she looked at the dark sky absently.

"Hahahaha!", Gensai laughed. "W-What so funny you prick?!", Ryona said grabbing the funny mustache boy by his shirt. "Hahaha, if you give up that easily you'll never beat me in a fight! Come on dude, snap out of it! Fight for her until the very end!", Gensai said with his crooked teeth smile. "I-I...", Ryona muttered.

"Is she worth it?!", the boy shouted. "Yes...", Ryona mumbled. "I can't hear you!", Gensai shouted again. "Yes she is!!", Ryona replied with a shout of her own. "Do you want to see her happy?!", Gensai shouted now grabbing Ryona by her shirt looking her into the eye. "Yes I do!!", She replied loudly. "Do you love her?!", Gensai asked loud and clear. "More than anything in this freaking world!!", Ryona shouted as loud as she could. "Then hang in there and don't let her depression win against both of you!!", Gensai said letting go of Ryona's shirt.

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