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After giving up on chasing Sayori, Natsuki and the rest of the club members went back to their routines until it was time to go home. "You ready?", Natsuki asked her purple haired friend as she grabbed her backpack and hold her book with one hand, "Yes, ready", Yuri smiled at her, Natsuki nodded leaving the classroom weaving goodbye to Monika and Sayori who were doing some cleaning before going home.

The shorter tsundere was worried they had to deal with the group of doom from the previous day, however to her surprise and relief, there was no sign of them in their usual spot near the gates, Yuri also looked concerned as she discretely looked around as if she knew someone would attack her at any moment. This made Natsuki feel sorry for her friend and she spoke hoping that would distract her now that they were going pass the gates safe and sound, "Hey Yuri?", the taller girl tilted her head in her friends direction, "Y-Yes?", Natsuki was unsure of what to say but looking at the book her purple haired friend was holding she asked, "Why do you always carry that book in your hands? It doesn't seem that big to not fit in your backpack", Yuri looked at her book as if she'd just realized the fact, "A-Ah, I usually read on the way home while I walk", Natsuki stopped walking and putting her hand on her hips she looked directly at her taller friend, eyebrows furrowed, "Yuri, that's dangerous! What if you tripped and hurt yourself of worse you could even get yourself hit by a car!", Yuri blushed little red and looked to the ground like a child that had just been scolded for doing something bad, "I-I am sorry, I-I just need to distract my-myself from... You-you know, them and-", Yuri was suddenly cut off as her shorter friend snatched the book from her hands making her way behind her, putting the book inside her backpack and then returned to face her, "Look, it's okay I understand you need some distraction, just try to be more careful okay? Besides I'm walking next to you, so-so don't you even dare to ignore me for your book, got it?!, Natsuki crossed her arms as she finished her sentence looking to the side and puffing her cheeks slightly, this only made Yuri blush harder at the adorable sight in front of her, "Ye-Yes, I promise I will be mo-more careful, thank you Natsuki", Yuri smiled softly moving her hand to her chest, the pink haired one replied blushing as well, arms still crossed, "Hmph! Fine, not like I care about it or anything!", Yuri just giggle as they continue their walk home.

As they reached the point where they had to part ways, Natsuki said goodbye to Yuri and headed home looking back to see her friend walking away in the distance, as she felt a strange feeling inside her stomach, her head filled with thoughts again, "She looks so gracious walking in the distance, heck she does everytime she does anything though... What, Nats calm down and stop thinking weird stuff. Alright, she looks happier now, which is great, she had been having a really rough time so far, I'm glad I was of help, you are doing more than just help, shush I only did what any other person would, any other person never wanted to get involved, whatever she is my friend I couldn't just leave her be eaten by those wolves, didn't you hate her? You always loved to pick a fight with her, what, no! Well I might have been a little mean to her but I never hated her or anything, right, you always found a way to get her attention anyway, not the most subtle way to do so though, what?! No! She was just always treating me like an idiot, I just had to put her in her place!, Yeah, right, whatever you said, you always got excited whenever you were about to share poems with her, that's some fighting spirit! lol, shut the fuck up..."

Natsuki brushed her thoughts aside for a moment as she was at the door of her apartment, she unlocked the door and carefully closed it back, she heard a faint snoring sound coming from the living room, she felt relieved as she walked to her room quietly and very careful not to make any noise, "I like when Papa is too tired to do anything", she shut herself in her room, left her stuff in come corner and changed her uniform to some more comfortable clothes. She laid on her bed scrolling through her phone on social media, not really paying attention to what the screen showed as she continue her thinking from a few moments ago, "I wonder what she's doing now, there you go thinking about her again, don't you have other things to think about?, Huh? You again, leave me alone, sure thing, go back thinking about your friends mature and nice figure, what the hell! Shut it!, What? You're the one who has thought that multiple times, you always look at her nice and long legs, or at her rather... generous attributes when she's not looking, I know you're somewhat jealous of her but-, I said shut up!, Ha! You're not denying it, we're progressing here at least!, What?! No! I don't look at her like that! I might be a little jealous I admit that... Sure, you could have got your ass kicked by 4 girls all bigger than you, but hey, that hottie's worth it, right?, Do your ever shut up at all? And I did it because she needed help I told ya! Help nobody ever bothered to gave her, so what? Doesn't mean we all are dicks, I just did what was right, yeah, and you made an exclusive edition cupcake just for her, you even made it its own custom box!, That was to apologise for always being mean to her, you went to read with her a book you didn't even want to read, I just thought it would be nice for a change! Besides it's not that bad, you even noticed she wore make-up today, you really pay attention to her, how sweet! She was just close at that time and who wouldn't notice! She never wears make-up, ha! See how you always pay attention!, What, no! Ugh just leave me alone, not until you admit you've always had some good old crush on her sweetie, what the fuck?! No! I don't have that sort of thing! Let's see, always looking at her, specially her mature figure hehe, always making excuses to get her attention even if it's just to argue, risking your butt to save her from a pack of wolves, making adorable presents for her, reading something you don't like just to be close to her, secretly worried of her approval to your writing... What the heck, no! I don't want her approval, my writing is great as it is and I ain't changing it for her!, Well, Monika and Sayori, well, mostly Monika, sometimes tell you about things you should improve and you never make a big deal out of it like you do when Yuri says anything about your poem, so what! She's just so full of herself and her fancy ass writing she thinks I'm stupid, there you go worrying for what she thinks of you again, agh just shut up, would you?!

Natsuki was abruptly interrupted from her inner monologue when a buzz coming from her phone brought her back to earth. It was a notification that indicated she had received a new text message, "probably Sayori wanting to show me some meme... You know whose text you're waiting for~ do you even know what shut up means?", the pink haired one opened the message to see it was indeed, from Yuri.

Markov's demoiselle: Hello
Master of cupcakes: Osu! You purple one!
Markov's demoiselle: hehe, how are you doing?
Master of cupcakes: Same as I've been doing today
Master of cupcakes: cool <( ̄︶ ̄)>
Markov's demoiselle: I am glad. So, what are you up to?
Master of cupcakes: the usual, just looking at memes and stuff
Markov's demoiselle: I see, umm do you like the book so far?
Master of cupcakes: yeah its not bad
Markov's demoiselle: I am happy to know that. Remember that tumor scene, it will be key later for the plot.
Master of cupcakes: got it purple bud
Markov's demoiselle: :)
Master of cupcakes: :3
Markov's demoiselle: ❤️
Master of cupcakes: ???
Markov's demoiselle: Ah! I am really sorry I did not mean to send that! I wanted to send a :3 but I pressed < instead of :, please I am sorry!
Master of cupcakes: ❤️
Markov's demoiselle: I, umm...
Master of cupcakes: chill Yuri, nothing wrong with that its just an emoji see? ❤️
Markov's demoiselle: Okay! ❤️

Natsuki found herself smiling like an idiot at this point.

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