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The newest members of the literature club spent their first week trying to get Sayori's attention for themselves. Sayori being the naive and innocent girl she is simply did her best to keep everyone happy as usual.

Finally Friday came and just before the club was going to be dismissed for the weekend, Monika had an announcement to make. "Alright everyone! As the oldest club members know, every Friday we have to stay a little bit more to do some cleaning of this classroom we use for our club. The latest weeks has been the lovey dovey couple there", Monika paused pointing at Yuri and Natsuki who blushed lightly. "And Sayori and I. So with the addition of the newest members we will have to shake things up a little bit. Now I know NatsuYuri is not going to change despite anything I might say, so let's focus on the others. This week was supposed to be Sayori and I, but since I have something to do after school today this is perfect timing. So who wants to pair up with Sayori today?", Monika finished her speech and immediately the 3 newest members all raised their hands at the same time. "I never saw anyone so eager to clean a classroom haha", Monika pointed out making the newest member blush. "Anyways, since we clearly have an issue here how about we decide with a good old rock paper scissors game?", the brunnete suggested and everyone agreed.

The 3 newest members stepped at the front of the classroom ready to make their move. "Rock, paper, scissors!", the 3 girls chanted. Everyone drew scissors.

The next round both Erika and Ryona eliminated Omiko's rock as both drew paper.

The final match saw Ryona defeating Erika's scissors with a well formed fist like rock, and so, the tomboyish girl earned the right to help Sayori that day.

Finally the club was dismissed and everyone went home, except of course for bubbly and delinquent girls. "Thanks for the help Ryona, let's do our best okay?", Sayori said to her friend cheerfully. "Yeah!", Ryona replied with a genuine smile and so both started working.

Thanks to Ryona's strength, Sayori had iT easier to sweep the floor while her friend moved the desks and chairs effortlessly. "You know Monika and I always have to work together to move all the stuff, and then clean, but you're so strong you can do it alone while I clean and that makes it faster!", Sayori pointed out while she swept the floor humming. "Thanks, you... Umm you sweep quite good too", Ryona said really not sure of how to respond since being alone with Sayori had started making her nervous. "Hehe, thank you!", Sayori said flashing a cute smile at Ryona whose heart skipped a beat.

Finally both were done and headed outside the building ready to go home. "So you live in the same direction as me that's great! We can walk home together!", Sayori said cheerfully bouncing as the two walked past the school gates. "Yeah, that's nice", Ryona said smiling.

While the two were on their way home talking about school and random stuff, Ryona remembered Natsuki's advice as this was a good chance to try it. "By the way, all that work made me hungry so... Umm d-do you wanna go and eat some ramen with me?", the tough girl said looking away nervously. "Sure! I'm always up for some food! Oh, shut but I didn't bring extra money today", Sayori's cheerful tone died down as she realized this. "D-Don't worry about it! I'll pay for you! Just...", Ryona said with light blush on her face that would immediately turn into a deep red one when Sayori suddenly hugged her tight. "Thank youuuuu!", Sayori said happily and gently squeezing the taller girl and quickly broke the hug to continue her bouncy walk. "Y-Yeah, no problem", Ryona said feeling her heart would jump out off her chest since this was the first time in a long long time someone hugged her.

The two girls drifted from the way home a little to head to a small stand on a friendly looking neighborhood's street. "Ryo! Nice to see you here!", An old man with a white bandana tied around his head said smiling. "Hey, uncle. Give me two of the usual", Ryona said smiling at the man. "Two? ...oh you brought a friend!", the old man said noticing the red bow girl popping out behind Ryona. "Hi!", Sayori said cheerfully and loud as always. "What's your name sweetie?", the kind old man asked the bubbly girl. "I'm Sayori, nice to meet you sir!", the peach haired girl said making a peace sign. Ryona was unconsciously staring at the cute sight next to her with light blush on her cheeks. "Please sit down, I'll make you the best ramen you can eat. I'm glad to see Ryo finally hanging out with someone her age", the old man spoke casually while Sayori sat down listening attentively. "Uncle, please", Ryona interrupted embarrassed. "What? I only see you hanging out with that biker gang that always gives me a bad feeling, it's nice to see you with someone normal for a change", the old man said. "You Sh0u1D just give us our food before I regret coming here", Ryona said pouting totally unfitting or her character. "Okay, okay, I'm still gonna talk with Sayori here you grumpy child", the old man said grinning to Ryona's embarrassment.

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