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"Mo-Most likely someone from outside... I saw someone that wasn't wearing the uniform running outside when I went to the bathroom", Omiko finally said.

The principal's face of disappointment was clear. "Miss Imai, I appreciate your concern but that doesn't help much, I have received that report from others already", the chubby man said. "I-I'm sorry, sir, I didn't know", Omiko said. "It's fine, thank you", the principal said.

When the principal was leaving his office later that day, a very average looking boy approached him. "Principal, sir, do you know where Mr. Murobuchi's office is? I need to talk to him", MC said. "Second floor, third door next to class 3-D", the bald man said. "Thank you very much!", the average looking boy said bowing his head slightly and left.

February 28th 2018

Imai failed, goddammit.

Well she and her dreams can go to hell for all I care. I don't actually have proofs like I told her I had but I'll figure something out, she's scared enough anyway.

I'll give her a second chance I guess, otherwise I'll have to tell the principal myself but that's getting involved, and I want to avoid that as much as possible.


Going back in time to January 8th, the school cap boy was enjoying his time at the wrestling club again, after a two week winter break of doing not much exercise.

Gensai and the other 6 members of the wrestling club were doing their routinary bridge exercise when someone knocked on the doors of the Judo dojo they shared with of course, the Judo club.

"Come in! The door's open!", the shaved head member said still maintaining his position. Through the door a girl with medium length white hair like snow, that was loose aside from a short braided strand of hair in one side, and golden eyes appeared. "Is this the wrestling club?", the girl asked. "Indeed!", the shaved head president of the wrestling club said grinning while maintaining his bridge.

A minute later, the 7 members got up and the president approached the girl who was patiently waiting. "I'm Gozo Meguro, president of the wrestling club, what can we do for you?", he said politely with a grin on his face. "I'm Mayu Tsurugi, I'd like to join your club", Mayu said with expectant eyes. "Welcome then! Guys we have a new victim, I mean member", Gozo said jokingly to which everyone laughed.

Mayu Tsurugi, was a second year transfer student. A girl that was passionate about the wrestling world and had finally gathered the courage to get into the action instead of just being part of the crowd.

Mayu showed great enthusiasm and dedication the following weeks after she joined, but one thing she quickly made herself known for, was her outstanding ability to throw any kind of kick she was told to.

This quickly earned her the nickname of 'Magikick' by her fellow clubmates which she embraced as her possible wrestler name in the future.

On February 25th, the day the car of the principal was vandalized, Mayu Tsurugi, now always called Magikick, skipped school to attend an autograph sign event that was taking place at Murai Plaza, where none other than Hiroshi Tanahashi would be signing autographs and greeting fans.

Magikick, familiar with these kind of events, knew it was an unwritten law to arrive as early as possible to have the chance of meeting your favorite wrestler, so she was there in line since 6 am, even though Hiroshi would arrive around noon.

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