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Seeing how Sayori flew out of the classroom at the request of Erika and Ryona not only hurt Omiko's heart but it also gave her a feeling of huge frustration.

Knowing she couldn't even have the chance to fight for Sayori's love anymore felt horrible, specially because she knew later that day, Sayori's heart would probably belong to someone already.

To make matters worse, she had another thing to take care of, as she remembered what happened that morning.

Just when she was about to leave for school, Omiko headed to her fathers car and just when she opened the passengers door, something fell off.

Luckily her father was still inside getting ready. Omiko crouched and picked up what was a familiar piece of paper.

'Stargaze', it read, an old ticket for the event she once went with her peach haired crush was now in her hands. She turned it around and just as she feared something was written in the back.

You're too slow.

Time is precious for me, and while I can't deny what you've been doing with Natsuki is okay, it's too slow.

It's been more than a month and your progress is not going anywhere yet, or at least not where I need it to go.

Today, you're going to give Natsuki not only those chocolates in your bag, but a kiss, on the lips.

I don't care how, just make sure Yuri sees. Otherwise your secret will be out before you get home.

Omiko intentionally had been delaying any possible progress with Natsuki, deep down hoping someone or something could get her out of this situation.

However, that didn't happen and whoever knew her secret, was running out of patience.

Was it possible that in the less than an hour time she had before her secret was out, a miracle could happen so she didn't have to do this to the couple of the literature club? It certainly was too much to ask.


The sky was clear that day, the air wasn't so cold as it was just a month before the start of Spring and the peace in the atmosphere of school was lovely.

The sound of gentle and steady footsteps entered through the waiting girls ears.

Sayori stood next to the other only girl there, who was silently watching the people passing by from the distance. She slid her hand and intertwined her fingers with the girls owns.

The girl responded by squeezing Sayori's hand gently while a happy smile crept on her face. "Thanks for coming", she said. "I should be the one thanking you", Sayori replied as she smiled warmly, joining the girl in her quiet gaze at the surroundings. "What now?", the girl asked shyly. "Well, you can't keep me waiting forever, can you?", Sayori giggled as she leaned against the girls arm. "Right, sorry hehe, it's just... This is so new to me", the girl replied blushing lightly. "You're cute when you show that side of yours", Sayori said as she pulled the girl closer forcing her to face her.

Sayori then placed a hand on her cheek and rubbed it with her thumb gently. Finally the girl leaned forward a little, closing her eyes nervously and her lips finally met the soft and pink lips of Sayori.

Their kiss lasted a few seconds but it felt like hours for both girls thankfully, and it was all they ever dreamed of.

"I think I will never forget this Valentine's day", Sayori said looking into the eyes of her new lover. "Me neither", the girl giggled happy.

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