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There was no question Sayori, with her always cheerful and friendly personality, was one that talked to a lot of people.

Mostly in her class, many people there considered her a good friend, others just a friend, but everyone had a good concept of the bubbly girl.

The girl with the red bow arrived at school, a little late as usual, after a very enjoyable weekend.

Sayori made her way among the rows of students, all the way to the back where her seat was, greeting everyone good morning as usual as she walked by their desks.

The always cheerful girl may not be the sharpest person in school but even her, could notice something odd was going on.

As Sayori passed by, the gloomy look in everyone's faces was piercing. She tried to act like nothing was happening, but the heavy atmosphere inside that room was palpable.

Throughout the day, the air just felt like it was getting heavier and heavier. Sayori tried to talk to some of her classmates in nearby seats but they all were very blunt and just told her to pay attention in class.

Finally the bell for lunch break rang and Sayori went to class 2-B's classroom to try to get off that gloomy atmosphere.


Monika and her always loyal group of followers were walking past her classroom door, all immersed in their talk around the white ribbon girl.

A girl with hair the same color stood in a nearby corner, watching with crossed arms. "Do they ever leave her alone? Freaking flies", the white haired girl sighed and turned around walking away, completely ignoring the average looking boy that passed right next to her and then entered Monika's classroom.

"Maybe I should ask Togashi for advice again...", Magikick mumbled to herself when she was a good distance away from the popular girls classroom and then turned back as class 2-A of Natsuki and Gensai, was a little bit further from Monika's.

As she walked by the brunnete's classroom again, Mayu Tsurugi, by the corner of her golden eyes, noticed something off.

A very average looking boy was sitting behind what Magikick believed was Monika's seat, quietly just checking his phone. Perhaps she was a little too observant sometimes but she was sure he wasn't there a few moments ago when she came, odd mostly because everyone sitting around her had followed her like dogs chasing their tail.

The boy wasn't anything special or suspicious or anything really, so the white haired girl soon brushed that weird feeling off and continued her way to Gensai's classroom.


The girl that loves space had returned to school, feeling better than ever, despite the events she went through recently.

As usual, Omiko was sit at a table in the cafeteria by herself, eating her lunch. And it was her lunch precisely what was different. Omiko was enjoying the lunch box Airi had prepared for her that morning.

During the weekend Omiko learned Airi's cooking was particularly good, but that wasn't exactly what made the food so enjoyable. It was the feeling of having someone use some of their time to do something for you, as insignificant as a lunch box would seem.

Omiko was really savouring every bit and was thinking of a way to show her gratitude to the beautiful girl somehow, as she hadn't done so despite all the good things Airi had done for her recently. She even hated herself a little for acting so shy around her even when they had shared more than as simple friendship kind of relationship.

The mint haired girl's line of thought was interrupted when a familiar name was mentioned in a nearby table, so Airi tried listening to what they were saying, driven by curiosity.

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