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After her girlfriend ordered her to take her to the anime and manga convention, Yuri was once again a nervous mess. Of course she couldn't say no to her beloved girl, she could go with her despite not being good with places as crowded as a convention, the problem was, the cosplay. Getting dressed in one of those, probably cute, outfits Natsuki's manga characters always wear and doing it in public... Yuri felt this was the fight or her life, but she was willing to do it, for her loved one.

After a week of preparation that consisted of buying and adjusting the costumes and mostly getting mentally ready for the purple one, the couple finally made it to the weekend.

The couple left Yuri's house Saturday morning heading to the convention center downtown. The carried their cosplays on her bags and walked there holding hands as always.

"Let's go over it again, okay?", Natsuki said. Yuri nodded feeling as nervous as ever as they approached the place. "Conventions are really fun, but there are some things we have to be careful about. First, since we are cosplaying people may want to take pictures of you or with you in general, which is okay but sometimes there are some jerks that try to take advantage of that and touch you inappropriately, if that happens don't be afraid to say so and I will kick their asses, okay?", the shorter girl said squeezing her girlfriends hand gently. Yuri nodded even more nervous now. "Alright, the whats next is something obvious and kinda dumb but if we get separated at some point let's stablish a meeting point there and go there if that happens, also we can call each other to be sure. And finally if someone asks you anything about your cosplay just tell them what is it about or whatever they ask, we watched Madoka Magica this week so you should be fine", Natsuki said smiling warmly at her lover. "T-This is going to be tough...", Yuri said nervousness taking over her.

The couple arrived at the convention finally and headed to the dressing rooms to change into their cosplays. Finally they left their stuff in some lockers and went out to the public. Yuri took a deep breath.

Not even a minute after, some people started approaching them, mostly boys who asked to them to take pictures of them, some with them. Yuri was quickly overwhelmed and found herself a blushing mess, however she managed to pose for them and smile the best she could.

"You two are so cute omg!", one of the few girls among the people surrounding them said. Yuri felt instantly worried as she knew how much Natsuki hated being called that, afraid she would say or do anything. The shorter girl however, simply smiled and thanked the girl then posed along with her girlfriend for the selfie the girl asked for. "Thank you! You two are a couple right?", the girl, who was wearing glasses said excited. "Yeah, we are!", Natsuki replied and clinged to her girlfriends arm. "Gosh that makes it even more perfect! Madoka and Homura are my OTP! Is it okay if I ask you for a pic of you kissing?!", the girl with glassed asked excited as ever. Yuri and Natsuki's faces got equally as red as Pennywise nose. "Yeah! That would be a great picture!", a boy wearing a Jojo t-shirt said after listening to the girls request. Soon enough every person nearby that had or was gonna ask them for a picture heard this and all of them lined up in front of them expectantly with their cameras ready.

The girls didn't even have time to respond as they saw everyone expectant looks towards them. Yuri didn't have the courage to say no to so many people and was hoping her girlfriend would save her. "A-Alright, fine just once, okay?!", Natsuki said embarrassed to Yuri's surprise. Yuri's hopes of being saved slowly died down.

The pink haired girl turned to face her girlfriend and intertwining her fingers with hers, looking at her with cheeks full of pink. "N-Natsuki, I-I am not s-sure about this...", the taller girl stuttered. "It's okay, relax, it's just one kiss, like we always do", Natsuki said. "B-But we never d-do it with so m-many eyes on us, l-let alone cameras", the shy girl replied nervously. "I know but we can do it, it's not like we are doing something we don't actually want to right?", Natsuki said shyly looking away for a moment. Yuri felt her heart flutter knowing her girlfriend wanted to kiss her and slowly began to feel calmed.
"Just look at me, pretend there's nobody around, I'm the only one here", Natsuki said looking at her lover. "A-Alright", Yuri replied and closed her eyes, slowly leaning down to reach her girlfriends soft lips.

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