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It has been 2 weeks since the literature club got 2 new members. Ryona and Omiko. Along side Erika, the 3 continued their effort to gain Sayori's heart, although some conscious of it, some not really.

After Ryona's little hang out with Sayori last Friday, the tomboyish girl had been getting even more nervous around the red bow girl, but still doing her best to get closer to her, even if she didn't really know how.

Erika was the one who had her path clear and had accepted her newly developed crush on Sayori, however the limited time she had to have the happy girl for her was very limited, with Ryona and Monika walking home with them and the little 15 minute span to read in the club.

Omiko however was the one between acceptance and denial of her feelings. The girl with the big round glasses was the one that had very little time with Sayori, since she lived in the opposite direction, she couldn't even walk home with her. Until that Friday two weeks later after the festival when lady luck finally smiled at her.

As the space lover she was, Omiko loved watching the sky and beyond.

At certain times of the year, events for enthusiasts of the space were held in town and Omiko Imai was one of those who never missed any.

Ever since she was little and her parents took her to see the stars she developed a passion and love for what was up there and beyond, and as she grew up she continued going even when her parents stopped going. The green mint haired girl would go once again that Friday after school and had already acquired her ticket in advance, even though tH3y were still sold at the event, just in case.

The glasses girl put the ticket somewhere safe that she wouldn't forget, inside "A briefer history of time" since one thing she would always double check every morning was that she had the book she was reading with her new friend in her bag.

As their time to read together came, Sayori who still had trouble to understand what she was reading had seen a random word too complicated for her, among the many, and sometimes she had the habit of taking the book and moving it closer to her face to read it better. And this was one of those times.

As Sayori lifted the book a small piece of paper came out of it and the bubbly girl immediately noticed, placing the book back on the desk and picking the paper, all while Omiko was reaching for the cookies she now always bought for her friend. "Stargaming...", Sayori said reading what was written on the small piece of paper. "Hmm?", Omiko turned her attention and got a little startled as Sayori had found her ticket. Not that she would keep it a secret though but she never really shared her hobby with someone else.
"S-Stargazing", Omiko said trying to recover her cool. "Is it a movie?", Sayori asked with her usual cute smile. "Eh? No, it's ummm an event", Omiko said looking slightly away. "Of what?", Sayori asked curious. "Watching the umm sky and stars", Omiko said shyly. "Oh! Are you going with your boyfriend or something? Sounds romantic!", Sayori replied smiling sweetly. "E-E-Eh?! B-Boyfriend?, it's just me", Omiko said blushing. "But this sounds like the kind of thing you'd go with someone else, like, you can watch the stars by yourself at home", Sayori said still in thought. "It just looks better from some other places. Besides, it's not like I have anyone that would like to go anyway", Omiko said smiling sadly. "I would!", Sayori said cheerfully. "Y-You would?", Omiko replied with her eyes widened. "Of course! When is it gonna be? ... Oh shut is today", Sayori said going from happiness to disappointment as she looked at the date on the ticket. "Y-You can still buy your ticket at the event! I just bought mine in advance because... Well, just because", Omiko said rubbing her arm nervously. "But I didn't bring extra money today", Sayori said sadly. "I-I'll get you one! ...i-if you want to come with me...", Omiko said shyly realizing the opportunity. "But I don't want you to waste your money on me", Sayori said suddenly feeling down. "What? No! It's no waste! I've always wanted someone to come with me!", Omiko said feeling confident momentarily. "But...", Sayori said. "Here, have this one! I'll get mine at the event, that way I would spend money on me only", Omiko said as the idea suddenly came to her mind. "You really d0n"t have to...", Sayori said trying to return the ticket. "Please come with me", Omiko said losing her momentarily confidence and unconsciously looking at Sayori with sad pleading eyes. Sayori noticed quickly the sadness in her friends look and finally smiled again. "Okay! But I'll invite you next time, alright?", Sayori said trying to cheer up her friend. "Okay!", Omiko said with a wide smile that made Sayori feel better as she hated seeing her friends sad more than anything.

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