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Warning: this chapter contains soft yet not suitable for everyone descriptions of girls love, you know, hints of smut basically nothing too hardcore yet tho, this will be a test to see how I do with that.

After their weekend together, Natsuki came home to an already asleep father. She quietly went to her room and settled everything for the upcoming week and texted her girlfriends until they went to sleep as usual.

The following two days went by normal with the couple spending time at school at lunch and club, always enjoying each other's company and then at Yuri's where Natsuki would allow her girlfriend to be as affectionate as she wanted. That was until Wednesday came and the literature club was underway.

Yuri and Natsuki were reading manga together in the back of the classroom and Monika and Sayori who had already arrived as well were by the front desk working on some homework. All of sudden a quiet yet confident voice was heard. "Hi? Is this the literature club?", a girls voice muttered. Everyone broke from their trance at the sound and question clearly addressed for any of them. However the one that was the most surprised of them all was the pink haired shorty, as she knew that voice from somewhere.

She prayed for it to be something her imagination was playing to bother her but as she glanced at the door her hopes were shattered in million pieces at the unpleasant sight standing at the clubroom door. Sayori jumped from her seat and stumbled her way to the girl standing at the entrance in her unique and classic clumsy way "Yeah! Look no more for you have arrived to the lit club!", the energetic girl said. "Excuse our vice-president, she gets excited whenever someone shows up here, what's your name?", Monika appeared next to Sayori and said with a welcoming smile. "I'm Erika!", the long twintails of black hair bounced slightly when she did a quick reverence. Natsuki was suddenly absorbed in her thoughts, "Shit. What the fuck is she doing here of all places?! Nonononono God please no! Aaaagh fucking crap!! Ok, ok, calm down Nat... Okay, first of all let's think about this reasonably. Why is she here? I doubt she's here to join the club, she's definitely not the type of person who reads even the subs in a movie, heck she even said 'who buys this crap' while she toyed with MY girlfriends book that time. So yeah, take it easy Nat, she's probably just here at the dumb request of some teacher probably to look for Monika, teachers usually send their lackeys to find the all mighty Monika and ask her for stuff, she's very reliable after all. Alright, that's good then, just say whatever shit you were told to say and get the fuck off my club damn rich girl wannabe."

Natsuki immersed in her thoughts was completely oblivious to the actions taking please at the moment and was suddenly brought back to earth by another familiar voice. "Natsuki, Natsuki, CUTESUKI!", Sayori yelled that last nickname made up in the heat of the moment hoping that would catch the hot headed girls attention. "Wha- I'M NOT CUTE!", the pink girl shouted as she looked around and realized she was surrounded by 4 girls that were standing there staring at her, who was the only one still sitting on the floor. "Natsuki, could you please at least get up and greet our new member?", Monika sighed. "E-Eh?! New what?!", Natsuki said as she stood up almost kicking up. "Alright, let's go over this again since you clearly haven't been paying attention for God knows how long. This is Erika, she's a third year and she will be joining our literature club as from today. So please introduce yourself to her properly", Monika said with slight annoyance in her voice. Natsuki instantly shot a death glare at the black haired girl who was looking at her with a mixed expression of fear, sadness and wrath. "We kinda know each other already, not in the best situation though", Erika broke the silence that filled the room. "Yeah, she was one of the assholes who would harass MY girlfriend until we forced some respect into them", the feisty girl said without thinking and without certainly caring about what the others would say. The look on the twintailed girl changed to a mix of sadness, regret and wrath. "S-She did what?", Sayori asked concerned. "What you heard Sayori, she is a bully", Natsuki replied angrily with her arms crossed. "I-I was a bully. I'm not anymore, I truly regret what I once did and-", Erika tried to defend herself and was suddenly interrupted. "Y-Yes, she already apologized to us for the things had done, so it's all in the past now", Yuri said with her usual kind and gentle tone. Natsuki looked at her in slight disbelief and then glanced at Erika who once again was looking at her taller girlfriend with those damn sparkly eyes of her. Natsuki felt a jab in her heart. "W-Whatever then!", the pink tsundere shouted outrageously.

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