Chapter 25 The Homecoming Queen

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Places we love exist only through us,

Space destroyed is only illusion in the constancy of time.

Places we love we can never leave,

Places we love together, together, together


And is this really a room, or an embrace?

And what is beneath the window, a street or years?

And the window is only the imprint left by

The first rain we understood, returning endlessly


Places we love, we can never leave

            - Places we love; Ivan V. Lalic.




The sky is a clear blue when I get off the bus. I smile as I take in the buildings that are so familiar to my host. This body is glad to be home.
I know which road to take to reach my destination and instead of calling for a  taxi, I decide on walking. It’s been so long after all and I want to see how much of it I remember.

Many people are up and about, I guess it’s a busy day, but then again, it’s always busy in the city. Not at all like that town where Rain and Storm live.
I’ve been staying with them for two weeks now and even though it’s lovely there, it’s time for me to find a place of my own.

That’s why I’m here now, in Toledo, Emma’s hometown. I’ve been trying to get more information for Patt, the Seeker. He’s become a good friend of mine and I really want to help him.
Unfortunately, Emma’s memories didn’t give me much more information then I could find that first day. So I’m hoping that a familiar setting will do the rick. These were the places she loved, where she hung out with her friends. Perhaps I can even find them. Maybe they still live here.
I smile at the thought of being reunited with them. Ashley’s chatty personality, Jeremy’s smile. And Blake…
I’m not sure what to make of him. Emma didn’t seem to like him very much, but for someone she disliked he’s in her thoughts a lot. Maybe if I can find him, I can clear up that mystery too.
I nod to myself and cross the street.
The people I want to find most though are her parents. And I know just where to start.

Of all creatures I have heard of, humans are probably the most interested in the universe and what else is out there. Aside from the Vultures of course, though I wouldn’t compare them to humans. Even humans aren’t that cruel.

The observatory comes within view and an overwhelming feeling rushes through my body. I’m not familiar with it, but this body knows what it is. Homesickness.
I take a deep breath and quicken my pace. Just a few more yards and… No.
My step falters and I gasp. What was that? I frown confused. My body should be functioning properly. I know the body was checked and healed before they placed me inside. They would never use a broken or dysfunctional host. And this body has been working just fine these past few weeks. So why can’t I make it move now?
A strange feeling fills me and it’s quite upsetting.
I’ve never felt it before, but I know Emma has.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath. A human trick to calm the nerves and lower the heart rate.
Let’s think rationally. What was I doing when my body blocked?
I move all my limbs. My hands and arms. My feet and legs. They respond as they should.
I take a step forward. It works just fine and I frown. Was it just a temporarily  malfunction then? Perhaps it’s just nerves. I’m excited. That must be it.

I’m not sure what to expect. Earth isn’t exactly a steady planet. The thought of reuniting with my host’s friends and family is thrilling. I can hardly wait. I’ve seen them in Emma’s memories and wonder what hey are like in reality.
Slowly I reach the observatory and I take a moment to look at the building. It’s quite impressive. To thinks that someone can see the planets from here is fascinating, even if you can only see a small part of the universe.. It’s so much larger than humans realize.
I smile as I reach out my hand to open the door.
And I freeze again.
My breath stocks and my heart rate picks up. It’s like every fiber of this body is fighting me.
My body breaks out in cold sweat and my hand on the door is trembling.
That is what I’m feeling. Fear to enter this place and see familiar faces.
But why? 
I have no reason to fear this place and Emma has only happy memories. Besides, it’s my will that moves this body now. My body. Is it?
Then why can’t I make my hand move? 
“Are you alright, Miss?” a kind deep voice asks to my right.
I turn my head, at least that part of my body woks fine, and meet a pair of warm grey eyes. A man with grey streaks in his hair and beard is looking at me concerned. 
“You look a bit pale. Perhaps you should see a Healer. If you’re ill you need to be looked after.”
I nod. “Yes, you are right, but I’m new to this town and my Healer lives far away.”
“I will drive you to the nearest healing facility. My car is right here in the parking lot. I’ll stay with you too and drive you back afterwards, alright?”
“Yes, thank you.” I feel relieved now. A Healer will know what’s wrong with me.
“Good,” the man smile, “I’ll just step inside for a minute to tell the others. I work here you see.”
“Really? That’s so exciting.”
The man smiles. “I’ll be right back. Just wait here.” He disappears into the building and I settle on a small bench outside. 
This Soul works here. Perhaps he knows Emma’s parents. I’ll ask him when he comes back.
Curiously I look around. There are a few people walking around in the park. Perhaps they are students at the University. Maybe they work here too, like that man just now.
My eyes dart to the roof of the building where the telescope is stationed. I’d love to take a peek through that, but my body won’t let me go inside.
The door opens again and the Soul walks over to me. “Ready?” he asks.
I nod and he holds out his hand. “I’m Reads the Stars. What is your name?”
“I’m Sky,” I smile and follow him to his car.
“That’s a lovely name,” Reads the Stars says, “where did you come from?”
“Before you mean? I was a Dragon. I’ve only been on Earth for two short weeks. This planet is still a bit confusing for me. It’s so crowded.”
“You’ll get used to it,” Reads the Stars comforts me, “I’ve been here for about five years now and there’s still so much to discover.” He holds open the car door for me and I climb in.
He’s been here for five years? I wonder why he didn’t choose a younger host, but it would be impolite to ask. Picking a host is a private choice.
“Have you worked here all this time?” I ask instead.
Reads the Stars nods. “Yes I have. I find it fascinating. Humans actually knew a lot about their own Solar System. It’s hard to imagine this was the only inhabited planet in the vicinity.”
“Do you know my host’s parents? Her father worked here too. It can’t have been that long ago. Harold Dupree?”
“Ah, I thought you looked familiar. Now that you mention it, you do look like him.”
“So you know him!” I say elated, “please tell me where he is. I was hoping to find him.”
He looks at me sadly. “I’m sorry, Sky. I haven’t seen him in a long time. After he was brought to the insertion Center, he left to find his wife and daughter to bring them too, but he only found Caroline.” Reads the Stars sighs. “They wanted to find their daughter so badly, but she was nowhere to be found. They left Toledo to go look for her. I haven’t seen them since. They’re probably still looking.” 
There’s a strange lump in my throat and a pain near my heart. I’m not sure it’s entirely my pain though. 
I frown confused. I don’t like this feeling.
“Can’t you contact them?” I ask, “tell them I’m here now. I would love to see them. They’re in Emma’s mind all the time.”
Again, Reads the Stars turns sad. “I wish I could help you, but I don’t know how to contact them.”
I nod in understanding. “I see.” They’re not here then.
“I’m sorry.” 
“That’s alright. Perhaps I’ll find them. I could ask at the Healing Facility.”
“You could ask right now,” Reads the Stars says, “we’re here.” He parks the car at the front of the building. “Do you want me to go with you?”
“No, that’s alright, thank you.” I unbuckle the seatbelt and get out of the car.
“Alright, I’ll just wait for you here.”
I nod and walk through the Facility’s doors. The building is larger than the one where Rain and Storm work. I think this might have been a school once. Not one Emma’s been to though. I have no memory of this place.
I walk up to the desk and am greeted by a young girl with long curly red hair. “Hello,” she smiles, “can I help you?”
“I don’t know,” I say hesitantly, “I just wanted to speak with a Healer.” Suddenly I’m not sure if this was such a good idea. What if this body is broken after all? They would place me in a new host and this one would be destroyed. It would be such a shame. It’s a nice body.
The girl nods at me. “Alright. I will call Healer Winter for you. Please sit down. What is your name?”
“Floats Through the Sky.”
“Don’t be nervous Floats Through the Sky. We have very skilled Healers. Have you been on Earth long?”
“No, just two weeks.”
“So everything is still new to you? Don’t worry, it’s probably just adjusting to a new body that makes you feel strange.”
“Trying to diagnose people yourself again, Brynn?” an amused voice sounds to my left.
Brynn, I assume that’s the girl’s name, blushes and looks down. ‘I’m sorry Healer Greenweed.”
“Did you at least introduce yourself this time?”
Bryn blushes even deeper and Healer Greenweed shakes his head. “What are we to do with you?”
“I was going to get Healer Winter,” Brynn says apologetic.
Healer Greenweed smiles. “Then go do that.” He pats Brynn’s head and smiles as the girl rushes off.
The Healer turns to me now. “Brynn is a sweet girl, just a little blunt sometimes.” 
I laugh softly. “She’s nice,” I reply, “very enthusiastic.” 
Healer Greenweed chuckles. “that she is. Sit down, Sky. Healer Winter will see you in a minute.” He winks at me and disappears down the hall.

I sigh and wait for Healer Winter. She, or he, probably came from the Bears by the sound of the name.
Healer Greenweed was probably a See Weed, but I’m not sure about Brynn. She has a human name. I’ve heard it happens sometimes. I wonder if she kept the name of her host or if she was born here on Earth.
I look up when another Healer approaches me. Behind him I can see Brynn with a little blush still on her cheeks.
“You must be Floats Through the Sky. I am Healer Winter. Brynn tells me you’re not sure what’s wrong with you?”
I nod. “that’s right.”
“Why don’t you step into my office so we can talk?”
I follow him and sit at his desk.
“So tell me Floats Through the Sky, what is the problem?”
“Well,” I say hesitantly, “I wanted to find out more about Emma, my host, so I came here. Because this is where she’s from.”
Healer Winter nods. “Go on.”
“I went to the observatory Center. That’s where her father worked. But I… couldn’t enter.”
“Were you nervous?”
“Yes, but… I’ve been nervous before. This was different. My entire body froze and I started to tremble and sweating. It was like my own body turned against me.”
Healer Winter nods again. “Has this happened before?”
“No. And now it happened two times in ten minutes.”
“You haven’t been on this planet for long, have you?” he asks kindly, “it could be that Brynn is right and that you’re still adjusting. Human emotions can be strong. Perhaps Emma’s memories still linger. Maybe it’s her body’s reaction to being home again.” He looks at me thoughtfully. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll arrange a meeting with a Comforter for you. Perhaps it will help. What do you say?”
I bite my lip. Comforters are for Souls that have a hard time with the transition to a new species. I’ve never considered myself as such. Could it be that? I suppose it can’t hurt to talk to someone. I don’t want this to happen again. It was a scary experience. “Alright.”
“Good,” Healer Winter smiles and he grabs a sheet of paper. “Do you have preference for a male or female Comforter?”
I shake my head. “No. Whoever you think would right.”
“Alright. Comforter Marks the Ice Cities is good. I’ve known her for a long time. We were Bears together.” He hands me a piece of paper with a name and address. “I hope you will feel better soon,” he says, “this is a very nice planet. I’m sure you will enjoy it.”
I shake his hand and return to reads the Stars who is still waiting for me outside.
He smiles warmly when he sees me. “How did it go?”
I bite my lip. “They say it might be adjusting problems. I got the name of a good Comforter so I’ll try  it out. Perhaps the Healer is right. I haven’t been here that long after all.”
Reads the Stars pats my shoulder. “I’m sure you’ll be fine. Come, I’ll drive you back. Do you have somewhere to stay?”
“Yes, I’m in a hotel.”
“Good. Would you like me to drive you there?”
“No actually…,” I say, “could you drive me back to the Observation center? I want to look at the tower some more. It must be great to see into the universe from there.”
“It is,” Reads the Stars nods, “we are currently trying to develop a telescope that can see beyond Earth’s Solar System. When it’s finished we should be able to see all the way to the See Weeds.” 
“Really?” I gasp, that is so exciting!” The See Weeds are the closest to Earth. You could do a round trip in a human life span. I’ve never been a See Weed before, but it would be amazing to watch the Water Planet from Earth.
“Would you like to come in and have a look?”
It’s so tempting, but I remember what happened when I tried to enter earlier. “I’m not sure,” I say, but the tower appears in my vision again and I look at it longingly.
“Come on,” Reads the Stars invites me, “I’ll give you a tour and I’ll show you the telescope.”
I take a deep breath and follow him out of the car. I stare at the building again and dare a step closer. 
Nothing happens.
I try another step, but my body still doesn’t protest. Did I imagine things before? Perhaps I don’t need a Comforter after all.
“So how about it?” Reads the Stars smiles as he holds the door for me.
I square my shoulders and walk up to him determined. 
Nothing happens and with a sigh of relief I enter the building.

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