Chapter 64 The Follower

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“Oh yeah. Oooh. Aaaah. That’s how it always starts.
Then later there’s running and screaming.”


-Jurassic Park II: Lost World




No one ever noticed me before I met Cynthia. I wasn’t pretty. My parents weren’t rich. And I always wore the wrong clothes, said the wrong things.
Cynthia was a transfer student. She was everything that I was not. We never would have become friends under normal circumstances, but she needed someone to tutor her in Spanish.

She wasn’t even nice to me at first, I admit that she used me. I made her homework for her. In return, I became popular by association.
It didn’t matter to me. I was glad to have someone to talk to.

I’m not sure when we actually became friends, because in the end she was just that. My friend.

Now I don’t even have that.

My father was a bus driver on one of the school busses. My mother cleaned houses. They were always nice. Maybe that’s why I didn’t notice at first.


I walk into the kitchen. We always have breakfast together. Since my father drives on the school bus, I always ride with him in the morning.

My mother loves making us breakfast. She smiles when she notices me. “Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?”


“Yes, mom. Thank you.”


She smiles again and places a cup of coffee in front of my dad. He’s reading the paper.

A sigh escapes his lips. “War, domestic violence, robbery. The world is still full of bad things.”


My mother gives him a sad smile. “It won’t be like that for much longer, darling.”


He smiles back. “Yes, I know. I can’t wait.”


I smile uncertain. “What are you two talking about?”


They turn to me with loving smiles. “Don’t worry honey,” my father says, “you’ll understand soon enough. It’s a surprise.”


“ A surprise? But its not my birthday.”


They only smile.


My father reaches for his coffee, but accidentally knocks it over. He gaps. “Ah, I’m sorry. I’ll clean it up right away.”


“No, no. that’s not necessary,” my mother objects, “it was an accident. I’ll do it. Just finish your breakfast.”


I eye them confused while they apologize back and forth. “Is something wrong?” I ask, “did you two argue last night? You are acting strange.”

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