Chapter 87 The Fragile

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Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.

-Dr. Seuss


"I didn't know you could dance like that, Blake." Ellen grins at me from her spot at the table.

I shrug. "My parents forced me to take lessons." I look around for Emma. She's staring at the doorway with a hurt expression. "What is it?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "Nothing."

I sigh. "Come," I say and I take her arm.

"Where are we going now?" she protest weakly, but she allows me to drag her out of the room.

"There's something I want to show you," I tell her. I know she's going to love it. "Come on. Burns can take care of himself for a few hours."

She flinches so I guess I hit a nerve. I know she's constantly worried about him. I sigh and stop. "Emma," I say, "you don't have to worry about him. Nothing is gonna happen to him. He just needs some time alone after what's happened today."

She bites her lip and looks past me. "He seemed fine just now when he went off with Rachel," she mutters.

So that's the problem. "She's not interested in him that way, squirky," I tell her.

"I know," she says, "but she'll do it just to annoy me."

"She's really not like that."

Emma crosses her arms. "Not when you're around," she mutters.

"Alright," I sigh, so you don't trust Rachel. What about Burns? Do you really think he'd trade you in so easily?"

She bites her lip an looks away. "I don't know."

"Well I do. You're doing yourself short."

She glances at me suspiciously.

"Come," I say, "I wanted to show you something to take your mind off things for a while." I take her hand and tug her with me. "We're making a short stop, there's a few things we'll need."


A few minutes later we're walking through one of the narrower tunnels. We don't really use this section of the mine. Parts have collapsed and others are unstable, but it's safe enough where I intend to go.

"It's getting a bit steep here," I warn her, "and the ceiling is lower." I turn on the flashlight and take her hand. "Stay close to me so you won't trip."

"Will you tell me where we're going?" Emma asks impatiently.

"You'll see," I grin. I know she'll love it. I discovered the place a while back when I was exploring. I don't come here often, but it's a good place to think.

I push the small bag over my shoulder as I guide Emma through the dark tunnel. "We're almost there," I say, "watch your head."

The tunnel ends in a small cave, or perhaps it's more a crevice. I'm not sure. One of the walls is made of solid rock and over the years, the elements have worn it down until it created a small curved shape, big enough for two people to sit next to each other if crammed real close.

The ceiling is high above our heads, but there's a small strip of night sky visible from where we are standing. It shows a few stars.

Emma stares at it in wonder. A small smile adorns her face.

I drop the bag I've been carrying and take out a blanket. Carefully I spread it out over the stone bench. "Come sit," I invite her and I gently tug her down. I point at the small crack of sky. "No one from the outside can see us here, but we can look outside." I smile at her "I thought you might like it." I know how much time she used to spend at the star tower at home.

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