Chapter 120 The Birth Giver

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Life on Earth is changing

-Band of Horses


The Healer's expression is one of concern as she takes her hand away from my bulging stomach. "It is of the upmost importance that you rest and avoid stress," she says, "you wouldn't want to risk harming your unborn child."

"I know, Healer Sings in Silence, but this is such a difficult time for us. Two of my friends have died in a fire and now three of my other friend are missing. I am so worried about them."

"That is understandable. It is such a tragic thing to lose someone you love. My host and her partner, they had a daughter. She is also missing. Harold and I were both inserted at work. Me, in the hospital, Harold in the Star tower where he was a scientist. We both hoped their daughter would join us. They inserted all the high school students at the same day, but when the busses arrived, she was not on it. We immediately returned home to see if she was there, but we never found her. We've been looking ever since, but it's been so long."

I bite my lip. Her story is such a sad one. I can't imagine what it must be like. Mine and Core's child hasn't even been born yet, but I already know I'd be devastated if our child went missing.

Fresh tears spring to my eyes. This world is such a dangerous place. Such a beautiful planet, so hard to settle. Even after all these years we haven't been able to fully assimilate it. There's still rogue humans.

I shiver. Humans are even worse than Claw Beasts, and that is saying a lot. What if humans have Patt, and Sky and Burns?

"Calm down, Ocean," Healer Sings in Silence says, "your heartrate is going up. You need to focus on your child now."

I take a few deep breaths. "I am trying, Healer," I say, "but you see, the friends that were killed, they were my Healers before. They promised to find me a Soul for our child. I miss them so terribly. The loss is still so fresh."

Healer Sings in Silence nods. "That is why it is good to focus on something else now. It will help you. You have a new life growing inside of you. That is a big responsibility. I'll tell you what. I will prescribe some Çalm for you. Every time you feel anxious, take a whiff of Çalm. Let the Seekers handle the situation with your friends. That is their Calling. In the meantime, I would advise you to talk to a Comforter."

I frown. "But I am not new to this planet."

She smiles at me. "It is true that Comforters are usually tasked with helping new settlers adjust to a planet, but they also offer their services to Souls that go through stressful situation. It help to talk about things, Ocean. And Comforters are good listeners."

"Then I will heed your advice," I say.

"Good," Healer Sings in Silence says, "I will write down the number for you." She takes a piece of paper and scribbles something down before handing it to me. "There you go. I advise you to make an appointment as soon as possible. And if it gets too hard for you to travel, he can make a house call."

"He?" I question.

"Oh, do you prefer a female Comforter? I can arrange that."

"No," I shake my head, "that's fine. Thank you. I will call the moment I get home."

We shake hands and I leave the Healing Center. I take a few deep breaths of fresh air and call Core to pick me up. He had an errand to run for his Calling, but he should be finishing up soon. He has been distracted too.

I sigh and settle down on a bench on the sidewalk. People are walking by and smile. Some congratulate me when they see my stomach. The sun is shining and there's a pleasant breeze. It's such a lovely day.

On days like these, I can see the beauty of this planet. The nature, the colors, the climate. It's so versatile. It has a little bit of everything, as if all the planets in the universe have combined their best attributes into one new planet. That's why I chose Earth. I like it here.

Or at least I did before my friends were gone.

A hand lands on my shoulder and I stare into Core's loving eyes. "Everything alright, love?"

I smile wryly. "She suggested I talk to a Comforter. She says it will help. I should avoid stress. It can be dangerous to the child."

"Then you should listen to her," Core says. He sits down next me and places his hands on my stomach. A smile is on his face. "We can't let anything harm this little one."

"I know." I fold my hands over his. "I'll make an appointment the moment we are home"

"Good." He kisses my temple. "Scales called. He's coming over to paint the walls today. He's bringing along some sketches for us to pick out."

"Okay," I mutter. I like Scales. We met through Burns and I'm always glad to have him over, but today he only reminds me that Burns is not here.

Core pulls me to my feet and guides me towards the car. "Let's get you home."

I nod and close the passenger door. Core climbs into the driver's seat and we head home. Leaning my head back against the support, I close my eyes. What kind of life will our child have on this planet? Raising someone from birth is such a responsibility. We need to make sure it is protected and will grow up safe without ever having to worry about humans. We will tell it all about the galaxy and the planets we have visited.

I wonder where the Soul that will wear our child's body will be from. It will be nice if it came from a planet neither Core nor I have been to before. Then, once our child is older, it can tell us all about that world too.

"Worrying again?" Core asks quietly.

I sigh and open my eyes. "Just wondering about the future of us and our child."

Core smiles. In his eyes is a warm glow. "Don't worry, love. We'll do just fine. Our child is going to be so happy. It will be perfect."

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