Chapter 45 The Killer in the Crowd

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  • Αφιερωμένο στον/ην all Soul mates on every planet in the universe

AN/ I really love the song with this chapter.  I think it goes together really well. 


Grey-green waves of woods after woods
in which we’ll disappear
from which we’ll return
but it won’t be us
who it is, no one knows

- “This View” – Further V (translated)



The lava fields are my favorite place on this planet. They are especially nice after a meteor rain, like now.
There’s still the smell of fire in the air and the debris is nice and warm.

I stretch my limbs and rest my beak on the ashes around the lava pool. Just a little longer before I have to go find some food.

The Walking Flowers only come out at certain times, when we Fire Tasters are at leisure, like now after a storm, and when the planets and moons are turned, indicating the end of a day.

I’ll have to get up if I still want to eat today.
But I’m so comfortable here.

I let out a yawn and a small puff of smoke drifts from my nostrils. Yes. Time to eat. Maybe I can come back here later.

It doesn’t take long before I stumble on a group of Walking Flowers. There are two young ones. I’m not sure if they are family, but they seem close.
I lick my lips. The young ones are the sweetest. Older Flowers have a heavier fragrance.

They haven’t noticed me yet and I edge closer, my grey skin against the Ashen Valley camouflages me from sight.
I can’t make any sound now, not when I’m so close. The Walking Flowers have great hearing. It is why we strike so fast when we hunt.

Just a few more paces.

I take a deep breath to assemble the fire in my throat and let it go towards the unaware prey.
It hits the youngest one first and within a heartbeat the Flower is nothing but ashes and smoke.
I hurry forwards to inhale the scent before the wind can rip it away.



I groan content and turn to the remaining Flowers. One of the older ones has sunk to the ground as if grieving.
My body can’t resist such an easy prey, so that one is next.

The others have managed to escape, but I don’t bother with the chase. I’ve had my fill.
I look at the sky. The planets have not completely turned yet. It may not be too late to return to the lava pool and bask in the warmth.


I nod in agreement.


That would be a perfect ending of the day.


I turn and drag my lazy body back to my previous spot, the sweet taste of Flower still on my tongue.




She was always peaceful asleep, even now.
My finger traces her cheek, but she doesn’t react. It’s horrible to be so powerless.

At least she’s breathing.

I know I did the procedure right. Nothing was damaged. The Smooth and Heal did their job. I managed to get my hands on a cryotank from the HealingCenter next door.

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