Chapter 102 The Patrol

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"Savages," he echoed, ironically, "you set foot on one of the shores of this globe, professor, and you're surprised to find savages? When aren't there savages? Besides, are they any worse than others, these whom you call savages?"

-Jules Verne


I stop the van at the side of the road. Seekers. What are they doing here? Of course I know what they are doing here. They're doing their job. But why here? On this exact road where we are driving?

"What's going on? Why did we stop?" Will shifts in the back and peeks out of the front shield.

"Seekers," I say.

Blake curses. "Swap with me, squirky," he says.

"No," Emma answers him calmly.

"This is not the time to argue," Blake says, "if it comes to it, we may have to shoot our way out."

"I'm not arguing," Emma is still calm. She looks at him over her shoulder. "We don't have to shoot. We have Burns, and I still have the scar in my neck from when I was taken. If we stay calm, we can just drive past them."

"It is too dangerous," Will says.

I sigh. "There's too many of them. I can get us out. No one will have to get hurt. If we draw attention now, they'll never leave us alone. They'll chase us."

"We can't stand here for long," Emma says with a glance at the Seekers ahead, "they'll spot us and they'll get suspicious."

"She's right," Will says in a gruff voice, "we can't linger here."

Blake grits his teeth and I can tell he's not happy, but he nods. "Drive."

I wait until he and Will have hid themselves and take a deep breath. Carefully I turn back onto the road, making sure I stay below the speed limit.

Emma bites her lip nervously and sits as straight as possible. She folds the empty pizza boxes between the seat and the door.

"I won't let them take you," I assure her and then we're out of time. We've reached the Seekers.

One of them motions for us to stop and I roll down the window. "Is there a problem, Seeker?" I ask, "did I make a mistake?"

"No, no. No need to worry," the Seeker says, "but it would be better if you turned around and find another road to your destination."

"Why?" I ask, "did something happen? It wasn't an accident, was it? Did anyone get hurt?" I try to see past the cars, but I can't see anything.

The Seeker's face turns serious. "No accident, but it is not safe here. A young Soul went missing here a few days ago."

"Missing?" Emma gasps next to me and the Seeker looks at her now.

"I don't want to worry you, Miss. But you best not linger here."

"Do you think it was humans?" I ask, not just for myself, but mostly for Will and Blake.

"I wouldn't worry," the Seeker answers, "we have it under control. But it would be better if you didn't put yourself in danger."

"No, of course," I say.

"Do you have far to go?" the Seeker asks.

"We were planning on camping in the national park," Emma says, "but I'm afraid now."

"Please don't be afraid, Miss," the Seeker tries to comfort her, "but you are right. It would be better if you found another place to spend the night." He thinks for a moment. "It is not far to Tucson. If you promise not to stop anywhere along the road until you have reached the city, then I think it is safe enough to let you pass."

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