Chapter 118 The Newcomer

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And my Soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor,

Shall be lifted,


-The Raven


It's the first time since Burns and I arrived here that we've lost one of our own. The others may have been through this before, we have not.

It's not a milestone I wanted to make.

We are all gathered in one of the furthest and darkest tunnels in the mines. A few are holding flashlights while James and Logan dig two graves.

One for Marcus.

One for Patt.

The thought of the Seeker taking his own life still makes me feel sick.

My fault.

I should have known better.

How could I ever have thought he'd see things from my point of view? How he must have hated me.

I stand with Burns at the back of the group. I feel strangely detached. This isn't how it is supposed to go.

I lean closer to Burns' embrace and sigh when his arms tighten around me. He doesn't blame me. He never has. Even if all I cause him is grief.

Up front, the bodies of Marcus and Patt are lowered into the ground. The entire tunnel is silent as a sign of respect. When two more people file into the room, I glance up. Will has arrived and next to him is the male Seeker that was with Patt. It makes me flinch, until I realize it's not the Seeker at all. I saw the Soul being carried away in a cryotank. This must be the human that hosted him. He looks rather out of place. His uncertainty makes him seem younger than his face appears. How long had he been suppressed by a Soul? What must he be thinking now, seeing all of us together? How will he react to Burns?

As if reading my mind, the former Seeker looks my way. When he sees Burns, he stiffens, and his expression turns wary.

I sigh. Here we go again.

Others have noticed the newcomer's arrival as well. I can hear slight murmurs in the crowd. It seems to make him even more nervous.

The graves are filled again and people turn their attention on the former Seeker now. He flinches again.

Will pats his back. "Take it easy already. They're not gonna eat you. Guys, this is Holden. Holden, meet everyone."

"So it is true," Ellen whispers, "people really can come back."

Had she doubted that? Had the others? I sigh. It's probably just because they didn't meet me when I had just woken up. They only know the story. I know they believed me, but I suppose it's different witnessing it for themselves. I try not to be offended. My brain still is in turmoil over what happened with Patt.

"Alright," Nate works his way to the newcomer. Holden, was it? "Let's give the man some space. He'll panic with you all crowding around him. Why don't we move this to the kitchen? I think we can all use some food."

We all follow Nate, but I trail behind with Burns. To my surprise, Blake falls back too. "I should check on Rachel," he says sheepishly, "I left her with that female Seeker."

"She hasn't woken up yet?" Burns asks.

Blake shakes his head. "Still unresponsive. How long should we keep trying?"

Burns sighs. "I'm not sure. Until the body gives in, I suppose. At least then we'll know we've done everything possible."

We leave the group and follow Blake instead. There will be enough time to meet Holden. I'd rather do that without everyone else present. Let him get used to Burns and me slowly.

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