Chapter 26 The Idealist

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To see a world in a grain of sand…

                            - William Blake




I watch him carefully and concerned. I’ve known Burns for a long time, back when we were both Bears. He was always the exploring type, eager to study new things and analyze everything he discovered. Even here on Earth he couldn’t stop searching for new things.

But now he’s sitting on our couch with a sullen expression. Every now and then he bites his lip.
He hasn’t told me what’s wrong and I don’t press on it. I know that if he wants to talk, he will.

Core enters the room with a tray of hot chocolate and cake. He casts a concerned look at Burns and then glances at me. I smile at him warmly.
“Long time no see,” Core says in a  effort to draw Burns into conversation. It seems to work, because a faint, remorseful smile crosses Burns’ face. “I know. I’m sorry. I meant to visit sooner, but the two of you were both busy with work and then I went on a long trip to the mountains.”
“There’s no need to apologize,” I assure him, “we’re just glad you’re here now. It’s such a long distance.”
“Ocean and I are actually looking for a house closer to where you live,” Core says.
Burns perks up with interest. Really? Can you do that with your Calling?”
“Sure,” I say, “Core has offers from several research Centers and I can be a lifeguard anywhere.”
“We’ve been thinking about it for a while now,” Core says, “and we could go into the field together more often.”
I smile at the two of them. I can already see them plan their next trip. It’s good to see the two most important men in my life get along so well.
I have to admit, when we were both Bears, I found Burns incredibly fascinating. He was so passionate about exploring. I wouldn’t have had any objections if he would be my mate. But he wasn’t looking for one and when our lifespan ended, we both went our separate ways. He turned to Fire and I turned to Water.
And now I have Core and I wouldn’t trade him for anyone.

I think we might stay here on Earth when our lifespan runs out. We though about the new planet they opened not long ago, the Dolphin Planet, but we’re not sure about changing species again. This is my third planet already and changing hosts puts a huge strain on our kind. Changing within the same species is hard too sometimes, but we adjust quickly. Changing planets and life forms is a different story.
“Honey?” Core’s voice makes me look up.
“Sorry what? My mind wandered off.”
“So we noticed,” Burns smirks.
I smile at him. I’m glad he can laugh again.
“I said your drink is getting cold,” Core smiles at me kindly. He point at my untouched cup on the tray. “What was it that distracted you that much?”
“Nothing important,” I answer and take a sip of my cooled drink. I turn to Burns. “Are you staying the weekend? You can help Core with the display at the Center.”
Core nods. “Yes. There’s an open house this Sunday. We’re trying to interest people to the Calling of Researcher. Do you want to help? We could always use a guest speaker. You can tell the visitors about your travels and discoveries.”
“But I haven’t prepared anything,” Burns says.
“That’s alright,” I assure him, “there are still a few days left. But only if you want to of course.”
Burns smiles. “I’m always glad to help. It’s a good thing then that I brought my camera. I can still take some pictures at the beach and have them developed.”
“That’s settled then,” Core smiles, “I’ll let the Center know. They’ll be so excited. Are you coming with me tomorrow?”
“I’d like that,” Burns nods.
“So,” I start, “you haven’t told us yet about your trip to the mountains. Did you make some new discoveries? Find anything interesting?” I know how much he loves to talk about his travels. But this time, a dark shadow clouds his eyes and the smile he gives me doesn’t seem to be genuine.
“No,” he says, “nothing new.”
There’s something wrong with the way he says it, but I can’t put my finger on it.
Core catches my eye and discretely removes himself from the room so I can talk with Burns.
I’m not sure what to say though. My host’s body recognizes the tone he used. He’s hiding something. But my Soul nature can’t accept that. Souls don’t hide things from other Souls.
Perhaps it’s the lingering feeling of being a See Weed. We shared one mind on that planet. There were no secrets. 
Human bodies are very different.
“Did something happen on your trip?” I ask softly, “because you seem kinda sad. Usually you can’t stop talking about it, but you’ve barely said a word.”
Burns gives me a faint smile. “You don’t have to worry. I’m fine. It was just a long trip and… I didn’t have anyone with me.”
Suddenly I now what this is about. I should have realized before, but he never mentioned it. “You want a mate.”
Burns’ eyes widen. “What?”
I giggle. “I’m sorry for being so blunt. I should have figured it out earlier. We don’t see much of each other now that I’m with Core and I heard your friend Scales has a partner now too. It’s only natural that you’d feel left out.”
Burns is still looking at me with a stunned expression.
“It’s about time too,” I tease, “you spent the Mist planet and Fire World on your own. You really should find yourself a partner. It’s good for you. Besides, these human bodies have needs.”
“I know that,” Burns says, “I’ve had those needs before. You don’t need a partner for that.” 
“True,” I admit. A smile spreads over my face. “But it’s different with a partner of your own.” 
A vague smile tugs at the corner of his mouth.
“Ah, I knew it!” I say, “what’s her name?”
The smile disappears and makes way for sadness. “Silver Song,” he says softly and he stares at his hands.
“A Bat?” I ask surprised. That’s not something I would have expected, but then again, Burns is full of surprises. “So why don’t you ask her out?” I bite my lip. “Or did you already? Did she say no?”
“I don’t know where she is,” he answers.
“Oh I see. You don’t know where she’s from? How about her friends? Do you know where they live? You could ask them. What’s her Calling?”
“Ocean,” he stops my stream of words.
I look up at him questioningly. “What is it? Don’t you want to find her?”
“I don’t think she’ll want to be my partner. Besides, I don’t even think I like her that way. She was just… interesting.” 
“ ‘Interesting’ So typical Burns. You don’t call a girl ‘interesting’. No wonder you’re still without a partner.” I keep my voice light so he’ll know I’m only joking.
He shakes his head, but he’s smiling so I know it’s okay. “Don’t worry about me, Ocean. I’m fine. Trust me.”
“She just wants you to be happy,” Core reenters the room. He leans against the wall. “You know how she gets.”
“Hey, you were worried too,” I pout.
Burns chuckles. “Thank you guys, but I’m really fine. I don’t need a partner. I have friends.” 
“Alright,” I give in, “I believe you. But you’ll tell me when something’s wrong, won’t you?” 
“Of course,” he assures me, “but for now let’s talk about the Center’s Open House. And after that, we can go to the beach. If that’s alright with the two of you?”
“Sure,” Core says, “if you want, we can check out the tide pools. Bring your camera. You never know when it might come in handy.”
“Well, let’s go then,” I say while jumping to my feet, “we can still make it before nightfall.”
I smile at the two of them. I’m glad Burns is okay. I don’t like to worry.
Core flings an arm around my shoulder and kisses my forehead. “Reassured?” he asks and I nod. “Good,” he says and pulls me with him. “Coming?” he calls to Burns.

And we head out.


Dedicated to KayziOwl. Please read Threshold. It's an amazing story!

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