Chapter 98 The Pack Brother

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All journeys have secret destinations
of which the traveler is unaware.

-Martin Buber


I'm not sure what happened between Will and Burns when they were trapped together, but since then, Will has toned down. He's not a friend yet, but at least he's not openly hostile anymore.

We cleared the other tunnel two days ago only to find a dead end.

I'm not sure if I should feel happy or disappointed. It would be good to have another exit, but at least we don't have to worry about Seekers sneaking into our hide-out. For now we're using the cleared space for storage.

And the storage space is exactly why Nate has called us together.

"We knew it was going to be difficult," Nate says, "and for the past few months he greenery has produced enough to keep us fed, but we don't harvest as much as we did at the start and our storage is starting to slink fast. We need to go out on another raid. A bigger one this time. One that will get us enough for weeks.

Arashi narrows his eyes. "A raid like that is dangerous, Nate, it takes careful planning, a lot of stops in different places, far away from here. Last time we did something like that..." he pauses, "it didn't end well."

A silence settles over the group and some cast uncertain looks on our direction. They must be talking about the day we found Nate. That was when they lost one of their friends, TJ. Are they afraid of losing someone again?

"It doesn't have to be risky." The words have left my mouth before I even realize. When everyone looks at me, I continue. "I mean... Burns could just walk into a store an..." But they don't let me finish.

"Not this again," Tom says.

"We're not going to let him go back to warn his friends," Arashi says.

I narrow my eyes. "After all this time, you still think he'd do that?"

"He didn't have the opportunity," Arashi casts back, "if he's there with his friends, what would stop him from selling us out?"

"I would never do that," Burns says.

"Sorry mate, we can't take your word for that," Evan tells him.

The others look uncertain and suspicious too.

"I'll go with him," I say.

"Of course you will," Arashi scoffs.

"Why are you all being so blind and stupid?!" I growl in frustration.

"You don't seem to understand the risk," Marcus now interferes.

I give him a cold glare. "I don't understand the risk?" I hiss, "I was the one that was taken before. I think I understand the risk all too well."

Two arms wrap around me from behind. That's when I realize I'm shaking. I lean back against Burns' chest.

"She does make a point," James muses.

"What are you saying?" Tom says stunned.

James looks at him and then at the group. "I'm not saying we should let him go. I'm just thinking about the possibility."

"It's too risky."

"Accepting him here and letting him stay is not the same as letting him out of here and entrusting him our lives."

"Calm down already," Blake interrupts. He looks around. "I'll go with them."

"Who said anything about him going anywhere?" Arashi says.

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