Silver Lining

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Keep your head down. Avert your eyes. Pretend like you're not there.

Those are the rules for someone that doesn't want to be noticed.

Stay quiet and keep to the shadows.

Basic survival. Well... it would be... in a normal world. But this world isn't normal anymore. It hasn't been for quite some time.

I'm not exactly sure when it started, but I know when it was noticed. The first signs were subtle. People that normally wouldn't see you, would now greet you in the market place. The crime rate was brought down. And in any random TV-show, people would live happily ever after.

Sounds like a perfect world, right?


People vanished and when they returned they had become a new person. Everyone was so kind and caring and honest and helpful. It was like the Stepford Wives or an episode of Dr. Who.

But the most obvious changes were the eyes that now shone silver in the dark. And the tiny, barely visible, scar in the neckline.

And suddenly all the rules had changed...


So, I'm trying something new here and write a story in first person. This story is based on the world in the book The Host, by Stephenie Meyer. I hope you like it. Please feel free to comment. It is still in the early stages, but I'll update as often as I can. Sorry that my prologue is so short. Somehow all of my prologues end up like that :)

Silver Lining - The Host fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now