Chapter 73 The Bad Boy

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I am no bird,

and no net ensnares me.

I am a free human being

with an independent will

which I now exert to leave you.

-Jane Eyre


I kissed her. I'm not really sure why, except for the fact that I wanted to. Her story is too good to be true, but still.. it wasn't what I had expected her to say.

When I questioned her story, I was certain she would say the prove was in her eyes. That I had see it when I found her. The lack of silver. Human eyes.

And if she had said that, I wouldn't have believed a single word she'd say after.

But that wasn't what had come out of her mouth.

"I was taken, but he brought me back."

A million questions ring through my mind. Is it even possible? But she wouldn't have told me something like that if it wasn't true. It would endanger every one of those creatures.

So I believe her.

And that's not all.

Kissing Emma is fun. She gets that look in her eyes that wonders why anyone would ever want to. I shake my head amused at the memory. She was so awkward then.


It's a formal gathering and I hate it from the moment I set foot inside, but I don't have much choice. My father is the biggest investor of the Science Research Center. It is expected that my mother and I tag along.

It's not my kind of party. The people are too stiff and all they talk about is money. I'd rather talk with some of the scientists, except that I wouldn't' know what to talk about.

My father brushes the snowflakes from his coat before handing it to the girl behind the counter. He doesn't even look at her. He leans towards me. "I expect you to be on our best behavior tonight, Blake. There are some important people here."

"It's a New Year's party," I answer, "you're supposed to have fun."

"Don't embarrass me, boy. Remember who you are."

What he means is, 'remember who I want you to be'. "Yes sir," I reply stiffly, but he has already moved on.

I let my eyes drift across the room until they land on a familiar face. I utter a disgusted sigh and take a glass of champagne from a nearby tray. I need alcohol to survive this night. What is he even doing here?

A few feet away, a tall young man with a straight back is talking to a group of girls. His voice continues to irritate me. He sounds like he's swallowed a frog.

Andrew Alexander Ludovic V. Andrew to his friends. Android is what I call him.

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