Chapter 55 The Open Minded

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I laugh, I love,
I hope, I try,
I hurt, I need,
I fear, I cry,

And I know you do the same things too.
So we’re really not that different,
me and you.


-Collin Raye




Emma has fallen asleep with her head in my lap and I play with a strand of her hair. She doesn’t seem to like Nate very much, which is a little strange to me. He’s a human like her. And he hasn’t done anything to upset either of us.

Maybe she’s just nervous, being around new people.

From the corner of my eye, I can see Nate watching me. I hope I can get him to trust me. It was hard enough to win Emma over.

“You two are the strangest pair I’ve ever seen,” Nate comments. His eyes are on my hand that’s playing with Emma’s hair.

I look at her sleeping form. “Perhaps you are right.” But I can’t help the smile that tugs at my lips.

Nate chuckles softly. “You’re smitten, kid.”

I blink. “Smitten?”

“In love, son.”

“Love?” I blink again. I know I like Emma. I don’t want her to disappear. But love? I look at Nate confused.

He tilts his head. “Yes. Love. Don’t’ you know what that is?”

Of course I know what it is. Souls do nothing but love. It’s our nature.
But I know that’s not the kind of love he’s talking about.

“This body knows,” I say, “but I’ve never experienced it.”

‘You’ve never loved before?” Nate asks, “not even on your other planets? Or with your own kind?”

“We are not like you,” I explain, “all the other species I’ve been don’t have strong emotions like you humans. There’s mating. Or a feeling of mutual sense, but not love. These human emotions are so complex.”

There’s a smile on Nate’s face and I wonder who he’s thinking of.

“Do you feel like smiling whenever she’s around?” he asks, “and when she smiles at you, do you feel your heart speed up?”

I nod.

“And whenever she’s not around,” he continues, “you feel like something’s missing. And when she kisses you…”

I feel my cheeks heat up.

Nate laughs. “See? Smitten.” He pauses. “Can’t say I blame you. She’s a pretty one. Quite stubborn too. Vey protective.”

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