Chapter 71 The Girl in the Corner

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Safety is just danger out of place

-Harry Connick Jr.




Dinner is awkward again. Everybody is keeping a distance, just like they did during lunch. At least this time we’re not denied food.

Blake sits with us again and chats amiably, but I see him give suspicious glances towards Burns every now and then.

I don’t pay much attention to the conversation. My mind is working overtime. They allowed us to stay here, but I’m still afraid someone will hurt Burns.

“… decide yet?”


I look up. “Hm?” Both Burns and Blake are watching me.

“I asked if you decided yet,” Blake says, “about playing tonight.”

“I don’t know,” I answer.

“It’s not so different from playing in my backyard,” Burns offers.

Blake blinks surprised, but to his credit he keeps from commenting. He shakes his head. “I won’t force you, squirky. We could just use some music, that’s all.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Coming Blake?” One of the men has walked up to us and slaps Blake’s shoulder, “you owe me a rematch.”

Blake grins. “Sure thing. I’ll be right there. You wont win though.” He turns to us. “You two coming?”

I study the newcomer carefully. I wonder what rematch the are talking about.

“You’re inviting them?”

“Don’t be a jerk, Carlos.”

Carlos looks at me and sighs. He holds out his hand to me. “Carlos. You’re Emma, right?”

I nod and hesitantly accept his hand. He looks at Blake again. “I’ll see you at the table.” Without another word he walks away.
I narrow my eyes. He completely ignored Burns.

“Don’t glare, squirky. They’ll come around. Just be nice.” Blake stands up. “Come. I’ll show you what we do to have fun.”

We follow him to another room. There’s a dim light and a few tables and chairs are spread around the space.

Blake sits down at one of the tables where Carlos is waiting. On the table is a wooden board with rudely carved figurines on top. I takes me a moment before I realize what they are. “I didn’t know you played chess,” I say.

Blake grins. “There’s a lot you don’t know abut me, squirky.”

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