Chapter 121 The One That Got Away

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Only connect (...) and human love will be seen at its height.

-Howard's end


There's an interesting development in the tunnels. When I think back on it, it started when we returned with Finn. Or maybe it had been brewing longer, I can't be sure.

I'm not sure how I feel about it either, which is strange. It shouldn't matter to me. Nate doesn't seem to think it a problem.

I walk into the kitchen and stumble on a battlefield. The counter is covered in flour, as is the floor. Blake and Sophie are busy rolling out dough. At least, Sophie is trying to. Blake is throwing flour at her.

Which explains why the kitchen is covered in it.

Sophie is giggling at Blake's childish behavior. Blake has a stupid grin on his face.

I roll my eyes and walk to the far end of the kitchen where Finn is sitting at a table. He is drawing a picture with my colored pencils, which I told him he could borrow. He doesn't look up when I sit down next to him, but continues drawing.

I glance at the picture and frown. The scene looks familiar and unfamiliar at the same time and it takes me a while before I realize what I'm looking at. "That's Burns," I say surprised.

Now Finn does look at me. "That wasn't his name then," the boy says, "this is him on the Ice Planet, so his name is Blue Ice Finder."

I nod. Of course it was. The Bear is exactly how Burns has described it, but I remember the Fire Taster I once drew wasn't as Burns remembered it, despite his description of it. I wonder how this Bear compares.

The background of the picture is filled with ragged shapes that I suppose are ice crystals. "You should show Burns," I say.

"He's not here," Finn answers.

I smile. "I mean when he comes for dinner."

Finn shakes his head. "I don't think he'll be here for dinner."

"What makes you say that?" I ask confused.

Finn shrugs. "He went out with Arashi. I saw 'em leave. Are they gonna get food again? Can they bring back some gummi worms? My mom said she used to eat them all the time, but not since the monsters came here. Have you had gummi worms before? Are they any good?"

"He left the hide-out?" I ask startled. Why? And why did he not tell me? Where did they go?

Sophie's giggles have turned into a shaper laughter with squeaky screams in between and it suddenly gets on my nerves. "Could you cut it out?!" I yell at her.

Her face falls and she stares at me startled.

"Take it easy will you," Blake growls at me, "don't shout at her."

Him standing up for her irritates me even more. "Go to hell!" I shout and I storm out of the kitchen.

I can just hear Blake's muttered 'I'll go' before turning the corner. He catches up with me at the end of the tunnel. "Mind telling me what's wrong?"

"Why would something be wrong?" I huff.

Blake grabs my shoulders and turns me towards him. "Wanna try that again?"

I grit my teeth. "Burns left."

Blake blinks confused. "Left? What do you mean, left? Did you two fight? I didn't know Souls argued."

"He went somewhere with Arashi. He didn't tell me he was leaving. Where did he go?"

"I don't know, squirky," Blake says, "but he will come back. He wouldn't leave you behind."

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