Chapter 82 The Torn

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The world is a forest,
In which all lose their way.

Thought by a different path,
each goes astray.

-George Villiers


I don't know what to do. Of course I knew they were going to try to get people back. Perhaps I should have realized what it meant. Had I really thought they were going to do this my way?

"Hey," Nate says, "it's going to work out. You'll see. We'll figure something out."

"I do want to help you," I tell him, "but I don't want to hurt my own kind. We are living beings too, Nate."

"I know," Nate pats my shoulder.

Next to us Logan snorts. "Will is such a hothead. He's gonna get us all in trouble."

"Honestly Burns," Nate says, "how dangerous is it to steal cryotank like you said?"

I frown. "I'm not sure. There's always a chance of being seen. When Emma and I brought Sky to the facility, we were caught by a worker. Emma could hide in time. There's a risk, but... for Souls the risk isn't so big. I was only asked why I was there. No one doubted me."

I take a box of screwdrivers from Logan and place it in a crate on the floor. We've already cleared a lot of space.

Working with Logan isn't so bad, though he doesn't really talk to me except for some curt instructions.

"That Sky person," Nate says, "what was she like? Why did you decide to take her out and ship her off?"

I lower my eyes. "She was nice. I liked her, but..." I sigh, "she wasn't Emma."

Nate nods at my words and Logan eyes me curiously. I'm starting to think Nate is asking me these questions for Logan's sake.

"How did she feel then when she realized you wanted Emma back?" Logan asked.

I look down in shame. "She didn't know until I took out the sedative. I hurt her feelings, but I had no choice. She was going to jump hosts and then Emma would be gone forever."

"What do you mean, 'jump hosts'?"

I look at Logan hesitantly. Perhaps I shouldn't have said anything. I take a deep breath. "It's not something that's talked about. It's not something to be proud of either, but... sometimes... when a Soul has a hard time adjusting to a host... they may decide to abandon that body in exchange for another. It doesn't happen often, because it's a waste of life, but it happens."

"And this Sky wanted a new body? Why?"

I give a rueful smile. "Because Emma was still there and Sky was afraid of her. She wanted a body all to herself, with no one else in it."

"And you stopped her," Logan says puzzled, "because you didn't want Emma to disappear?"

"Yes," I say softly.

Nate seems to notice my mood dropping. "Hey don't you tell us about the other planets you have seen?" he asks, "I've been wanting to ask you."

I glance at Logan. "Are you sure?"


"Alright," I say, "I'll tell you."


Talking about other planets helps me take my mind of things. Surprisingly enough, Logan listens with interest and asks a lot of questions.

We walk towards the kitchen for lunch, still in conversation.

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