Chapter 134 The Earthbound

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We shall not cease from exploring.

And the end of all our exploring will be

To arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time

-Thomas E. Eliot


It's hard with both Burns and Blake gone. I know there are other people here, I'm just not as close with them.

Will and Kelsey try to cheer me up and I work alongside Sophie a lot, but I still miss Burns. It's been a few days. It was just going to be a short trip.

I should have just gone with them. What if something happened?

"I'm sure they will be back soon," Sophie offers me a smile, but it is a hesitant one. She worries too. After all, her father is also out there.

"Yeah," I say, trying to convince myself, "they'll be safe."

I take another shirt from the rack and fold it before placing it in the basket at my feet.

"Burns will make sure they won't be discovered by Souls," Sophie says, "and Blake will keep Burns safe. He won't let anything happen to him. Not just for you, but because Burns is his friend."

I glance at her. "You really like Blake, don't you?"

Her cheeks turn red and she avoids my eyes.

"You don't have to be embarrassed about it," I tell her, "Blake's a good guy. He is... reliable." I pause to think on my next words. "He was very popular in school, but he wasn't a jackass, you know. He liked to flirt, but he wasn't a player." I remember that night at the star tower when Blake saved me from that annoying Andrew.

Sophie's face is still red as she fold up the next shirt. "I've liked him since he and Rachel came here. At first I thought they were together, but they were just friends. When he found out I liked him, he was really nice about it. He said I should wait a bit so I could see what a moron he really was and that I would sure change my mind then."

"But you didn't," I say, already knowing the answer.

"No," Sophie answers, "I didn't. And then you came. And I knew I wouldn't stand a chance."

"That's nonsense," I say awkwardly.

Sophie looks at me now and smiles sadly. "Come on, Emma, it was pretty obvious he liked you."

I look down. "It wasn't like that," I say, "and I love Burns."

"I know," Sophie says softly. She smiles gently. "And Blake knows it too. He's accepting it."

I shake my head. "Blake wasn't in love with me."

Sophie bites her lip. "Maybe," she relents, "but he cared. There was always something sad about him, but that changed when you came here."

I sigh. "We've known each other for a long time."

She laughs softly. "I know. He told me."

I stiffen. I can only imagine what he has told her, but knowing Blake it can't be good.

She smiles. "It's not that bad, Emma."

"Well at least he talks with you," I say, "that must mean something. I've seen him with you lately. You seem to be getting along well."

Sophie blushes. "We're getting there."

Our chat is interrupted by running footsteps drawing near. Sophie and I both tense when Finn rounds the corner and almost collides with us.

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