Chapter 51 The Stranded

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There are worlds out there

where the sky is burning

and the sea’s asleep

and the rivers dream.

People made of smoke

and cities made of song


-Doctor Who, seventh Doctor



“Tell me about the planet you’re from.”

Night has fallen and we found a secluded area far away from the main road. We have a small fire burning to keep away the animals. No one will see us here.

I stare up at the night sky. The stars are so bright tonight.

Emma is watching them too. Her body’s pressed up against mine and her head is on my shoulder. It’s a pleasant feeling.

I sigh. “It’s not so easy to explain.” I take a moment to think. “I was born on the Mist planet,” I say, “but that’s not where I’m from.”

Emma turns her head to look at me. “What do you mean?”

I keep my eyes on the stars. “I think it’s something like being born on a foreign country. Even though it’s your place of birth, you’re not one of the locals. I was born on the Mist Planet, but I’m not a Bear or a Claw Beast. It’s not where Souls are from. Souls come from the Origin.”

“The Origin?” Emma questions, “what is it like there?”

“It’s wonderful,” I whisper, “the atmosphere has many different colored layers of clouds. It’s the only planet where we can live outside of a host body for a long period of time. Most Souls try to stay there.”

“Why did you leave?”  There’s no accusation in her voice, only curiosity.

“I’ve never been there,” I inform her, “the only planets I’ve lived on are the Mist Planet and Fire World.”

“Then how do you know what it’s like?”

“All Souls are born with this knowledge.”

“Have you never though about going there?” Emma asks.

“There is no going to the Origin,” I say,”  “only leaving. We leave to make place for new generations. And to explore the universe. Make things better.” I sigh. “It’s our nature.”

She seems to consider this and nods, returning her gaze to the stars. “This planet you came from… Fire World? Where is it?” She motions towards the stars.

I let out a soft laugh. “It’s hundreds of light-years away. The Mist Planet is closer and even that would take a century.”

“Don’t you miss your family?” she asks softly. There’s a sad tone to her voice She must still miss hers.

Silver Lining - The Host fanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora