Chapter 1 The Invisible

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Cogito Ergo Sum – I think, so I exist





I try to act normal as I enter the gas station. I know I shouldn’t be out during the day, but sometimes I have no choice. I haven’t been able to sneak into a house for days. I’m hungry. I need to eat. Luckily these body snatchers, or souls if you would have it, don’t use money anymore. That suits me just fine. I don’t have any anyway and money has always been an overrated asset to me.

Easy for me to say when I used to have it by the buckets. Well… not that it was mine really. But I got to spend it. I like this system better. Everything is free and there’s enough to go around. But there’s something else I have to do first.

The bathroom is empty and lucky for me they have a mirror. He light in here is dim, but I can make out my reflection. I look a little worn and there are circles under my eyes, but that can be fixed with a bit of water. Same with my hair that I comb with my fingers and pull back in a ponytail. I stare at my eyes again. My eyes that stare back at me with a dull silver glow. It will have to do. I don’t plan on staying long. Just long enough to grab some food. In the time I’ve been on the run now, I’ve learned to adjust. If I stay calm and avoid direct eye contact I should be fine. Bless the man that invented colored contacts. If he were still alive and human I’d marry him.

I wouldn’t take my chances during nighttime hours though. The silver of my eyes isn’t the right kind of silver, but it’s safe enough during the day. I’ve tested it before, though I try to avoid contact with any living creature nowadays. I’ve never been a social person. I think that is my only flaw in this new world, because souls are very social. But I can act the part. I’ve been acting for years with my parents. If I could fool them then I should be able to fool a few strangers every now and then, don’t you think?

I take one last look in the mirror and take a deep breath. It’s now or never. It’s still early, there won’t be many souls out yet. Get food and get out, back to my current hiding place.

The little shop is empty except for the man behind the counter. He gives me a friendly smile as I reappear from the toilet. It used to give me the creeps, but I’m used to seeing friendly faces now. Still, I don’t want to spend any more time here than necessary.

Quickly I gather a few items. Sandwiches, a bag of chips and two bottles of water.

“Are you hungry sweetheart?” the man smiles, “that’s quite a lot.”

“I’m going hiking,” I tell him.

He scans my articles. Even though I don’t have to pay, he still needs to do his inventory. “Nice weather for a hike,” he comments.

I quietly nod. Please don’t start small talk. I want to get out of here. He gathers my merchandise for me in a bag. “Here you go,” he say, “have a nice day.”

“Thank you.” I dare a smile and walk outside. I want to run, but I force my steps to go slow. Towns make me nervous, no matter how small they are. Towns mean people. Only they aren’t people anymore. It’s better to stick to the forests and the mountains. It’s safe there. There are no seekers there. The thought of seekers showing up makes me shiver. Involuntarily my pace quickens. Seekers are the only real threat in this world. They hunt the leftover humans, capture them and take them for insertion to have their bodies host new souls. They need to be avoided at all costs. Does them being still around mean that there are more humans left? I can’t believe they’re only hunting me.

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