Chapter 83 The Disappeared

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Nothing is more fairly disturbing than common sense.

No one thinks he needs more of it than he already has.



Storm told me not to worry. That she's probably just traveling with her new friend Burns. He may be right, but I still wish she would call me. She always calls.

"She's not answering her cell," I sigh.

Storm smiles and kisses my forehead. "She'll be fine. You know how adventurous she is. And Burns will take good care of her. Didn't Core says he's reliable?"

I nod. "I know." It doesn't explain why she won't answer my calls.

"Speaking of," Storm continues, "when were they arriving again?"

"They should be here tomorrow," I answer, "and Patt and Carmen are coming over for dinner tonight." I have to admit that I was reluctant to be friends with Carmen at first, but that was when Sky still had a crush on Patt. Now she had Burns. And the last time we spoke, she seemed really happy with him.

"Go home then to make preparations," Storm suggests, "we're almost done here anyway. I only need to do inventory. We have to order some Clean and a few other items."

"Okay," I agree. There's still a few hours before they'll arrive, but I'll need that time to cook and set up. It's been a while since we had them over. Patt has been busy patrolling. I've always wondered what he'll do once all the humans are weeded out.

I miss Sky. From the moment she arrived on this planet, we have been the best of friends. It was hard when she moved to Toledo. And now she moved in with Burns.

I'm glad she is happy, but I wish she didn't live that far away. I haven't even met Burns yet.


"This is really good," Carmen compliments, "you have to give me the recipe."

"Of course," I smile, "I'll write it down for you."

"Thank you so much."

Storm leans over towards Patt. "I think this is what you'll be eating for the next few weeks."

Patt chuckles. "I don't mind. It's delicious."

"Patt," I say, "have you heard from Sky lately?"

He frowns at me and shakes his head. "No. Why do you ask?"

"Rain is a little worried," Storm answers for me, "just because she has a boyfriend now doesn't mean she is in trouble. She probably just wants to spend time with him. She'll call." He pats my hand. "You'll see."

"Storm is right," Carmen says, "they're probably just exploring. Burns is a Researcher, isn't he?"

Patt nods. "Sky is a very sensible person, but she is also impulsive at times. She probably doesn't realize she's worrying you."

I sigh. "You're probably right."

"That's my girl," Storm smiles.

"I'll help you clean up," Carmen offers and she starts collecting the plates.

"Thanks," I say and I follow her to the kitchen.

Carmen smiles at me. "I meant what I said. You remember what it was like when you first met Storm. It must be the same for Sky. The bond she has with Burns must be very strong. Didn't she go in search of him because her host's feelings?"

"I know," I say, "I think I just miss her."

"That's understandable," Carmen smiles, "aren't Burns' friends visiting tomorrow? I'm sure they'll be able to ease your worries."

I hug her. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Carmen laughs, come let's return to our partners before they send out a search party."

I nod and smile. I feel a lot calmer now. Everything is going to be alright. I'm sure of it.


"I wouldn't worry too much," Core grins, "we know what Burns is like when he's on one of his trips. The rest of the world stops existing to him. He's probably dragged Sky into it as well." He winks. "They may just want some privacy."

Ocean laughs. "Shame on you!" She turns to me. "They went to visit Sky's friends in Toledo and after that they were planning a trip to the mountains. They'll be gone for weeks if I know Burns. They probably forgot to bring a charger for their phone."

"He'll take good care of her," Core adds. He smiles. "how are things going at the Center?"

"Very good," Storm answers, "a few new Souls have arrived on the planet recently and they received newborn hosts. The caretakers were really happy."

"Any from Rock World?" Core asks.

Storm shakes his head. "No, but they are rare. Two from the Mist Planet though and one from the Singing World."

"I'm sure they'll adjust just fine," Ocean says.

"We hope so," Storm nods seriously.

Core clears his throat. "That's actually one thing we wanted to talk to you about."

Ocean smiles at him and takes his hand.

I perk up and study them carefully. "No," I say, but a smile breaks through on my face.

Ocean's eyes light up. "We've only just found out," she says.

Storm smiles too. "Congratulations."

"We want to give it up for Insertion once it's born," Core says, "I know it's still months away, but we want to do this right. We've never done this before on any planet."

"It's not a problem," Storm answers them, "we can look at your options. Do you have any preferences?"

"No," Ocean says, "it doesn't matter where the new Soul is from. We will raise it the best we can, but it would be nice to have some information on their former planets."

"Of course," Storm nods. He looks at Ocean. "I can give you a check up tomorrow, just to make sure everything is alright. I'm sure that whoever will have your child for a host will be very happy to have you two for parents."

"Thank you so much," Ocean smiles.

I hug her tightly. "I'm so happy for you."

"I am happy too," Ocean answers, "I had never expected to be a mother. These humans have such a complicated process of giving birth."

"You're going to do fine," I tell her, "and we are here to help."

She hugs me back. "I can't wait."

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