Chapter 59 The Ugly Duckling

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It’s invariably saddening

To look through new eyes at things

Upon which you have expended

Your own powers of adjustment


-The Great Gatsby




When I wake up that morning, it takes a while before I remember.


We found humans, or better said, they found us.

I bite my lips concerned. They weren’t exactly welcoming. I understand why they would hurt me, but Emma didn’t do anything wrong. They wouldn’t hurt her, would they?

Nate promised to protect her. I don’t really care what happens to me, as long as she is safe.

I look to the side. Emma is still asleep. Slowly I sit up.

From the matrass, Nate is watching me. When he notices me awake, he nods at me. “Morning.”

“Have you been awake all night?” I ask.

He grins at me. “Someone had to make sure you wouldn’t transform us all into little buggers overnight.”

I blink at him. “I can’t do something like that.”

Nate shakes his head. “Hand me that stick, will you?” He points at a branch against the wall. I hand it to him and he hoists himself to his feet. “Come. Let’s get us some breakfast before the others wake up.”

“What about Emma?” I ask while getting up. I don’t want to leave her here. She might get worried when she wakes up and I’m not here.

“She’ll be fine,” Nate assures me, “she’s far more resilient than you give her credit for.” He sighs at my uncertain expression. “I’ll send someone to help her once we get in the common room, alright? Come. The sooner you learn your way around, the sooner things get back to normal.”

I glance at Emma one more time, but nod at Nate and follow him. Perhaps he is right. If he really plans on letting us stay here, I should get to know this place. And the people in it.

I stay close to Nate, carefully finding my way through the dim lit tunnels. We go at a slow pace because of his leg and I decide to give him some more No Pain later. I wish I had something to heal broken bones, but I hadn’t anticipated on anything like this happening.

When we enter what Nate called the common room, there’s only a handful of people there, already eating. I recognize Evan and Ellen from yesterday. There’s an elderly woman and a girl with blonde wavy hair that appears a few years younger than Emma. She’s the one that smiles as we enter.

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