Chapter 125 The Collaborators

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"It's true, we shall be monsters, cut off from all the world. But on that account we shall be more attached to one another."

-Mary Shelley


I'm not sure how we ended up in this setting. It's like Nate had randomly put this group together, but I'm sure he has his reasons.

I'm paired with Arashi in the one car we own. We don't use it much, but Nate wanted the extra room. We're not just shopping for us, but for Gail's group as well.

In the van behind us are Nate, Burns and Ellen. The others told me Ellen was originally from Gail's group before she moved in with Nate's. The groups met when they unknowingly raided the same warehouse. Ellen and Evan hit it off right from the start.

We're meeting Gail somewhere in a canyon, halfway. They're up in El Dorado, near Hellhole Reservoir. Life is hard there for them, but they get by.

Her group holds eleven people, half of what our own group holds. It's still a lot of mouths to feed. Two of them are teenage boys. One is a toddler, a little girl born underground. She especially needs nutrition and clothes, so a pharmacy is on our list of places to hit.

Arashi parks the car under a rock overhang and we climb out to join the others. Gail is already waiting for us with one of the guys from her group, though her eyes are wry as they land on Burns. Even while our groups stay in contact and trade, they don't see Burns as often as we do, who live in the same hide-out. I've long since stopped being bothered with it. As long as no one tries to harm him.

"Gail," Nate greets them, "Zander."

Gail nods again. "What is the plan, Nate? What can you do for us?"

Nate takes out a map and unfolds it. "We've discovered a truck stop down this road. It's in the middle of nowhere. Hardly any other traffic. Only one person managing the shop. It's the only place in miles where trucks can fill up. We're guaranteed to find something big there."

"You want to raid trucks?" I blink. It's actually pretty brilliant. The drivers will be occupied in the shop while we can empty their cargo. But... we are at risk of being seen by other truck drivers.

"It's the fastest way to get what we need," Nate says.

Zander looks doubtful. "We'll be in plain sight. We could raid one truck while another arrives. We'll be seen."

"That's where Burns comes in," Nate explains, "he'll keep other Souls occupied while we finish the job. Arashi provides backup."

It's a new way of raiding and I suppose it's no more dangerous than walking in and out of a store. It might even be less hazardous since we won't have so many onlookers.

"It's worth a shot," Gail nods.

"What do you think, Burns?" Ellen asks.

Burns thinks for a moment. "It can be done. It's less risky than entering a store where there are so many Souls around. Still, we'll have to be quick about it."

"Alright then," Gail nods and she looks at Nate, "how did you want to do this?"

"Ellen stays with me," Nate decided, "we'll be on the lookout. Burns too. He'll be the distraction if necessary." He looks at me. "Emma and Arashi. Emma's light on her feet. She can climb in and out of trucks quickly. Arashi will be there to protect her and do the heavy lifting."

Gail nods. "Zander, go with them. I'll stay with Nate."

Zander nods. "Sure thing."

I study him carefully. I don't know these people well. The different human groups don't meet too often. We all want to keep a low profile and only go out if there's no other option. But sometimes we trade and exchange information. And they all make use of Burns, even if some are still wary of him.

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