Chapter 94 The Liar

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Oh what tangled web we weave,
when first we practice to deceive.

-Sir Walter Scott


The phone rings two, three times. And then a fourth. I start to get nervous. What if no one answers? Will I have to go through this again?

Next to me, Arashi is eying the parking lot with a wary expression. I guess he's not used to being out in the open like this. When they go out on a raid, the probably act more like burglars.

Just when I'm about to hang up, I hear a voice on the other end of the line. "Hello?"

"Rain?" I ask.

"Yes?" A silence. Then. "Sky?! Is that you?!"

I let out a quiet breath. "Yes. How are you?"

"How am I? How are you? Where are you? We were so worried! Is Burns there with you?"

"No," I say, "I mean, yes. We're together, but he's not here right now."

"Where are you Sky? Why didn't you call?"

This is it then. I have to come up with some of my best lies. And I've never been good with those. I just hope Rain won't pick up on the difference in my voice compared to Sky. "I'm so sorry," I say, "I meant to call you, really. But we got... distracted." I think real quick. "You see, Burns decided to do some exploring in the mountains and we lost track of the days."

Arashi is giving me sideway glances and I turn my back on him. It's hard enough to come up with a believable story without him staring at me.

"Ah..." a laugh escapes Rain, "of course. It's nice to hear you two are getting along."

"Is that Sky?" I hear in the background.

"Yes," Rain answers, "she and Burns are okay."

"Put her on speaker. Sky?"

"P-Patt?" I force the name across my lips. He might have been Sky's friend, but to me he is the Seeker that stole my life.

"Yes. Ocean and Core and Scales are here too. Where are you? Why didn't we hear from you?"

"I-I'm sorry," I stutter, "we were camping in the mountains. We only heard about the disappearances when we went for groceries. I knew you must be worried so I thought I'd call."

"It's okay, Sky," I hear Storm's assuring voice, "we're just glad you are alright."

I close my eyes in guilt. If only they knew.

"Can we talk to Burns? He's with you, right?" This time it's Ocean's voice.

"Yeah," I say, "well... he's not here. He is... busy with his research. He told me to say hi and... he'll try to call soon."

"But where are you?"

"I'm not really sure," I trail. It's not even a lie. "Somewhere between towns."

"Oh... okay." I can hear the disappointment, "but you'll come visit soon, right?"

I bite my lip. How am I going to save myself out of this one?

Arashi's eyes burn in my skull. I break out in cold sweat. "I'm not sure how soon," I say quietly, "Burns... he's been talking about going abroad. Like..." I search for a plausible place to go, "the Great Barrier Reef or... Iceland."

There's a silence on the other side and I close my eyes and bite my tongue. Of course they won't believe it. Who would ever believe such a stupid story.

"Oh," I hear Rain's disappointed reply, "But... we haven't even met Burns yet."

"I-I know," I stutter, "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize Sky," Core says, "we now what Burns is like. It's nice to know he has finally found a life partner."

"Yeah." My voice is shaky and my lip trembles. I'm not sure how much longer I can do this.

"Just make sure to come visit soon. We have something to celebrate."

"Really?" I ask, "what's that?" I feel dread settle in my stomach. I'm not sure I want to hear their news.

"Let's just say we're going to have to build an extra room."

I blink a few times before the meaning behind those words sinks in. "You're pregnant," I say dumbly.

"Isn't it great?" Ocean squeals, "and until it's born, we're staying here with Rain and Storm. They're going to find it a nice Soul. We're so happy!"

The blood freezes in my veins and I can feel the color drain from my face. They'll give the child up for insertion. We're fighting a lost battle. No matter how many people are retaken no matter if people can really come back, there will always be more Souls.

"Sky? Are you still there?"

I blink. "Yeah. Yes, I am. I'm just..." Shocked? Horrified? Sad? "...surprised," I finish.

"I know," Ocean says, "so were we. It's a first for us. I've heard about this human thing called pregnancy, but I've never experienced it myself. I hope I'm up to the challenge."

"I'm sure you are," I say. I feel sick.

Arashi pulls my sleeve and gives me an impatient and urging look.

"Hey guys," I say, "I have to go. Someone else needs the phone."

"Oh. Okay."

"Bye everyone," I say.

"Say hi to Burns from us!" I hear several voices call, "and visit soon! Send a postcard when you arrive on your destination!"

"Will do, bye!" I choke and I hang up the phone.

Arashi doesn't give me time to recover. He immediately pulls me with him towards the spot where we left the car. I don't protest. For once I don't mind being pulled and pushed. I don't think I would have been able to move on my own.

"Get in," Arashi orders and I comply. He drives off the moment I close the door.

I lean my head against the window and close my eyes. I'm not sure if this mission was successful. It seemed like they believed my story, but that story will only hold for so long. There will be other times. What if there won't be any postcards? And what when Ocean is ready to give birth and we don't visit? What if there's another month long radio silence? Will they be suspicious then?

We can't keep pretending forever.

What did we get ourselves into?

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